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Comment Re:Conversion to mass in kg (Score 4, Informative) 173

The higgs is sort of the measureable side effect of the physics that 'give' particles mass.

Think of it this way. The Electro Magnetic field "gives" particles charge. (or the charge in a particle interacts with other charges through the EM field).

There are some particles that sorta 'show up' in the equations when you're dealing with the EM fields (photon, W & Z bosons).

The same sort of things happens with mass. Some physicists came up with an addendum to the current equations that would explain how the mass of particles interacts. These equations have in them (depending on version) 1 or more particles (Higgs bosons).

So it's not so much that the Higgs gives particles mass, but by detecting the Higgs, we prove the existence of the Higgs field which allows mass in particles to interact.

Comment Re:Holy shit? (Score 4, Insightful) 950

Learning to exercise and keep yourself in shape is a part of the cirriculum.

Start looking up child obesity numbers and you'll see that schools need to be doing more, not less.

I'd imagine the program is to let kids know where their heart rates are, and where they should be to get good exercise. Even if they are recording everything, it's pretty meaningless information. You'd know a person's heart rate from 7th grade.

The bigger issue here is whether your kids are getting exercise and whether they're overweight. If they're heavy, do everything possible to encourage exercise. Once the habits are set, they're incredibly difficult to change once they're adults.

Comment Re:I don't know, but... (Score 3, Interesting) 494

The OP didn't say he relies on spellcheck, but that his fingers know how to spell when his head doesn't.

I've got the same problem. Words like receive are no problem when I'm typing, but if I put pen to paper, I need to stop and think. When many people type, they think the word, not the letter. Their hands put the words from thought to type with no intermediate thought needed.

I spell by muscle memory, not thought. I'm sure the same works for people who write all the time. The pen just makes the words they need.

So how about you get off your high horse, read what the OP actually said instead of what you thought he said, and fuck off.

Comment Re:But does it work? (Score 5, Interesting) 707

This seems to make sense to me. The breathalizer is supposed to measure the blood alcohol content, and this is done by measuring the alcohol content in air expelled by the *lungs* (with a knowlege of partial pressures).

But if you equally weight beginning readings with ending readings, then you can be skewed by the first reading, which comes from the air in the mouth, instead of the lungs (giving low scores for people with time since their last drink, and people high scores with a recent last drink).

I would think that this method would give a more accurate reading by filtering out the readings from 'mouth air' and giving preference to 'lung air'.

But regardles, tests should have been done using both methods, and comparing to blood test to see which returns more consistantly accurate results. I wonder if those tests need to be made public as well.

Comment Re:I find it amusing... (Score 2, Informative) 93

Point of Interest:

The unfinished room was in the Mage *Guild* Tower in the Imperial City. The whole Arcane University was there, it was just one room that was locked. It was added later in the DLC The Orrery.

There was also a DLC called the Mage Tower. This was a house mod released all at once. I has no relation to the locked room in the Mage Guild Tower. (now that I think of it, I think the Mage Guild Tower is officially called the Archmage Tower)

Comment Re:Profit-making strategy (Score 5, Informative) 93

The point of the article, though, isn't whether they should make DLC. It's whether they should do additional content in a DLC or as a full expansion. If you remember Morrowind, there were two huge expansion packs (Bloodmoon and Tribunal). Each with an amount of play almost equal to the original game.

But Knights of the Nine, a DLC for Oblivion, only gave 10 - 15 hours of play (that of a standard primary quest line).

Easier and quicker to release and sold for less than an expansion.

Personally, I'd like an expansion over DLC (if this is the given choice). I'm ok waiting.

Comment Re:Am I missing something? (Score 1) 407

Haven't seen a post that pointed this out yet.

Palin used a non government e-mail for government business, because she didn't want the e-mails to be recorded.

Obama isn't using non government e-mail, his press staff is using it. And what sort of information do you think the press staff would have access too? Maybe information that they'd be sharing with the public?

Everyone wants to point and say, "Double Standard" when it's not actually the case. RTFA.

Comment Re:Best of intentions (Score 1) 238

How many times while writing that did your parents tell you to keep it down?

A degree is good for getting someone to look at your application. Many places will start to wonder why you didn't have the motivation to go to College, so will just trash your resume.

Oh, but you don't need a job? They're for the sheeple....

Comment Re:Call your credit card company.... (Score 1) 593

I would like to point out that I agree with this. I'm also not sayin the guy wasn't an idiot, just that being nice will actually get you somewhere.

Everything you read about how to get something solved with customer care involves two things: be nice, but be firm. The people you're dealing with have their own problems, and if you're a jerk, they're not going to care about your problems.

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