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Comment DEVONthink (Score 1) 211

There is a OSX application specifically written for these kind of scenario's: DEVONthink. It has the Abby OCR engine built-in, a web server and an extremely smart search filter, which is able to find related documents based on metrics like keyword frequency.

Comment Re:Dvorak is better, but how much better? (Score 1) 663

there are custom dvorak layouts for different languages. that said, in my language dutch, letter frequency is similar, different layout wouldn't add much speed so i just use standard dvorak with u and i switched.
you can optimize layout for your specific keyboard use, something which might happen in the future when we'll type with brain patterns.


Submission + - Hybrid Cars No Better than 'Predicting' Cars

eldavojohn writes: "There's no doubt been a lot of analysis done recently on energy consumption, especially on the road. Now, a study released today reveals that cars with traffic flow sensors built into them can perform just as efficiently as hybrids. The concept of an 'intelligent' car that communicates with the highway or other cars is an old idea but the idea of them using sensors to anticipate braking could vastly reduce fossil fuel consumption. From the article, "Under the US and European cycles, hybrid-matching fuel economy was reached with a look-ahead predictability of less than 60 seconds. If the predictability was boosted to 180 seconds, the newly-intelligent car was 33 percent more fuel-efficient than when it was unconverted." Now, the real question will be whether or not you can convince consumers that the three minutes of coasting up to a red light or halted traffic is worth the 33 percent less gas and replacing your brake pads/cylinders less often."

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