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Submission + - Ask Slashdot - Best Apps or Products for Low Vision

Wingfat writes: Hi there Slashdot-ers. My wife has MS and her vision has been affected pretty badly. Our home PC is set to 800x600 with the largest font MS will allow and the Low Vision stuff turned on. She still has issues with being able to use the MS search to find Music on our drives. Has issues with 90% of web sites that are not set to work for people running 800x600.
  She can barly see things on her HTC phone and it isnt connected to a data plan so she has no apps on it to help out.
  The state took away her driving license becasue she can not read the road signs.

Comment Iron Triangle not worried about being fat (Score 1) 842

I think Richmond should work on crime first. Updating the roads, and schools before they start messing with what people can and can not drink. i mean really now. get with it people. -also not as big of a problem in Mexico where they DO NOT use High Fruitose Corn Suryp in their soads.. hmm makes you think. When did HFCS get big, yep you got it, in the 80s when New Coke came out. that was the first main brand drink in the US to use the HFCS junk. when they then moved back to coke classic they kept using the fake sugar and didnt go back to real sugar. since then has anyone else noticed how people are now getting larger and dying of more cancers?

Comment Re:Needed to sell 3M copies to break even? (Score 0) 137

I agree with everything you stated. I got Amalur, just to tie me over till D3 came out. after about a 18game hours into it i was almost done and felt as if it lacked something.. like a better story line, or good DLC. the visuals left a lot out. the only fun thing was the end moves you did on Larger Bad guys, but you can see those on YouTube now, no need to pay for a game so see something cool from it, if you can check it out on youTube ;-) plus a game & world that none of my techie buddies knows or cares about seems strange that they would drop so much $$ into it. kickstarter anyone? lol

Comment So wrong (Score 0) 474

I know that there are bad people around the world. but this has to be stopped. The whole religion holding down the masses in any country is upsetting. USA was founded on freedom of Religion (I am a minister of UCL, subdivision of Norse Gods) But they don’t want me to start churches for it ;-) hehehe. What we really need to do as /.ers is find evidence of Alien life that they cannot dispute, end all religions and start over with something more fitting like a “Book of How to be Chivalrous”.

Submission + - Why did Target boot Amazon's Kindle? (cnn.com)

Wingfat writes: It's not clear why Target decided to no longer carry Amazon's e-reader, but it may have simply come down to a choice between Amazon and Apple.

Comment Re:Incoherent strategy? (Score 0) 87

and PS3

This is basically Sony trying to compete with iOS and Android as far as I can tell.

Really? are you kidding? becasue you got me to laugh. 1. Sony Uses Google's Android on all their cell phones and pads. - that made your statment invalid 2. Since Android in on my Sony Xperia Play phone and I have all the apps and more games than iOS I think Sony is winning and Apple needs to comete with me.

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