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Comment Re:bets? (Score 1) 319

they have several iPads per classroom in addition to their 1 PC per classroom

Oh, just rub it in why don't ya?

Actually to be fair, our new CIO is trying to give us more opportunities to get these sorts of things. I'm really speaking to the past policies, so I should give the new guy a chance. Also, I do have two iPads, two Nooks, and four computers in my room, but that's because I begged, borrowed, and stole to get them.

You don't perchance live in the Seattle metropolitan area do you?

Nope. Georgia. I would bet that it won't be long in the future for most school districts. We're getting to the point where it is financially beneficial to get devices for each student.

Comment Re:bets? (Score 1) 319

I'm glad you are looking at solutions other than MS. I certainly recognize the difficulties that arise from having multiple platforms, but especially in large districts, it seems that the cost savings would probably offset the cost of supporting multiple platforms. Can I ask what tools you are using for device management? I'm in a large district with over 10,000 employees and even more students.

Comment Re:Points at Lauren Weinstein (Score 1) 221

You have a point, but it is an important discussion, and the answers are different in different locales. We need some very clear parameters about the way surveillance is used in all jurisdictions.

I'm not one to immediately discount the use of surveillance, but I recognize it could quickly be abused.

Can you imagine the possible abuses of this little gem from a month or two back?

Comment Re:bets? (Score 2) 319

This always makes me angry as a teacher. We NEED these cheaper laptops for our budgets, but our IT people, understandably from my limited perspective, want to keep one system to manage, so we are required to buy from Dell. No cheap laptops in the cafeteria for our students to use. All the desktops are in use in the Media Center? Well, sorry, we can't buy four Nexus tablets, we have to wait to get one more desktop.

We're supposed to get tablets in the next few years for all the students, but those will be Microsoft as well at a much higher price point.


Submission + - How SHOULD a technologically sound and collaborative high school classroom look? (

edumacator writes: Disclaimer off the top. In the near future, this will go out as an IndieGoGo project. But I'm NOT looking for money from you, but rather ideas.

I'm a teacher, and although I think I know what tools my students need to be successful, I'm locked up here in my ivory tower. You are out there, in that big scary world my students will soon enter, so help me break out of the 18th century classroom model, and design a classroom for students today. What should it look like?

If you could design your ideal classroom to prepare our high school kids for the world they will enter, what technology would you include? How would you encourage engagement and collaboration between students in the class and outside the school? Are there must have programs or devices? Do I need a device for each child, or a shared workstation for four or five be better? I've included a video of my prototype idea. What have I missed?

Comment Re:nonsensical allegations (Score 1) 329

I think it has more to do with Google's Map showing up in the sidebar when searching for a location or restaurant.

I just did a search for "breakfast" and Google Maps shows up beside the search results.

I still don't see that as favoring search results, but maybe I'm missing something.


Submission + - Internet Broadband Tax: Would You Pay? (

An anonymous reader writes: Remember the Internet Tax Freedom Act? The whole point was to prevent the government from ever taxing the Internet. But that's the proposal from the FCC — and backed by companies like Google, AT&T and Sprint. Would you pay a buck or two extra for fast access — or vote for someone who thinks you should? This story is under the radar but it is about to explode. TechNow with Gina Smith. 90 second nightly tech scoop commentary.

Comment Re:It's called insurance, right? (Score 1) 170

I love your pedantic rhetoricals. They give you a the air of superiority. Well played.

"No, it's worse than insurance," was in reference to the grandparent's comment, "My company offers insurance benefits too, but they don't pay all of the cost."

So if we're breaking this down in fine detail as seems your want, the statement that it is worse than insurance implies that something for free is worse than something you pay for.

In case I didn't make it clear in my original post, my tone was intended to be playful.

Enjoy the day.

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