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Comment Re:Wont increase taxes on middle class (Score 1) 1505

I generally agree with that, but not in this case.

Lots of companies have foreign cash that they've earned that they are unable to bring back into the states (for fear of it being taxed at a high domestic rate). If it's going to be taxed at that high rate anyways, maybe they decide that instead of investing it in some international savings account, they can re-patriate it and invest it in US jobs.

At least that's what would *hopefully* happen. The international tax idea is much better than just raising US domestic earning taxes or income taxes. Seriously, this ain't that bad (and I'm a Republican).

Comment Re:Media using teachers as punching bags again (Score 1) 1322

The whole system needs to be blown up.

1) Teachers need to work hours comparable with other full time jobs - 40 per week, 3 weeks vacation.
2) Teachers need to be paid much, much more. This will make it attractive to a wider, more talented pool of individuals.
3) No reliable way to judge individual teachers on a massive scale, so don't do it.
4) Judge districts on performance, rely on district managers to manage out the poor principles/teachers. Give district managers/principles incentive pay based on this and the power to actually do it.

Result: Fewer teachers that work longer, are brighter, and are better paid. I don't think the "small classroom" is as important as a bright, hardworking teacher. Despite popular opinion, we actually invest a whole lot in our education system. The problem is we currently do it very poorly.

Comment Re:CDMA / GSM (Score 1) 237

Verizon is supposedly rolling out LTE (same as GSM providers) in late 2010-2011. But it will require more towers than the EVDO technology so LTE technology will be spotty if it doesn't also include an EVDO chip (which runs into the CDMA/GSM problem).

So it won't exactly be a $ vs $ comparison. Apple will also have many other choices:
1) Stick with ATT for full LTE/GSM compatibility in countries without 4th Gen?
2) Go with ATT LTE, but have spotty coverage in non-LTE areas around the world and the US? Could hurt iPhone/Apple Brand
3) Go with ATT LTE and have GSM AND CDMA chips, for full coverage? Could be an engineering/battery/royalty nightmare

Either way, there are many factors in place other than just the $ bid.

Comment Re:for the win (Score 1) 242

Offshoring is good when done right.

However, many companies that start embracing offshoring are doing it out of desperation... and that usually is just as much a failure as the strategies that got them into their mess in the first place.

Comment Why should they? (Score 1) 230

I don't see it. I still see a lot of value in games worth me spending money for a high-production value game. On the other hand, I don't think I'd be willing to put up with as much advertising as would be necessary to offset what I'm willing to pay WITHOUT ads.

That said, variable game pricing needs to happen. I should be able to buy the *new* physical copy for $60 or a digital copy for $30 (no resale) or digitally rent it for a week for $5. The game publishers don't make much on me buying used games or renting from blockbuster. I'd rather see more of my money go to the publishers/developers than to the middle-men who currently have a pretty over-priced service.

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