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Comment Re:Fucking anti-social Millennials (Score 1) 120

It's slower because it has to register each item on the scale before you can scan the next one (at least, that's how they're set up here). That means I can't use both hands - scan, bag while the other hand is scanning the next item. The cashiers can do it faster because the system lets them do it faster.

Comment Re:Sorry to tell you... (Score 1) 544

My comment was more on the behaviour of people emailing me - in that their emails are always short to the point of losing clarity when they've composed them on their phones. When I'm emailing from my phone I will sometimes point that out and say I'll reply in more detail later. To be fair, it's not just the keyboard - it's easier to compose a longer email on a larger screen.

Comment Re:Couldn't Agree More (Score 1) 544

I agree, the first smartphone I had was a Palm Pre and it was great. The keyboard was really usable, and I could type quicker than I can on any phone I've had since. I could hold that and type with both thumbs, but for some reason I just can't do it with an onscreen keyboard. Don't know why. Mind you, when I see younger people typing on their iphones, I figure it's just me getting older and less able to adapt

The other benefit of a physical keyboard is that you don't lose screen real estate to it, so you can see more of what you're typing.

Comment The choice (Score 1) 150

The choice seems to be between the flexibility of Android vs. the (arguably?) better security on iOS.

I'd like to be able to install Android apps without having to accept all of the permissions they require, but without rooting my phone that's impossible. As a result, there are many apps I just won't install (it took me ages to find a torch app that didn't need anything beyond access to the camera, for example).

On the other hand, I love widgets - quick access to information and actions from the desktop is really useful and the iOS 8 version doesn't look like it'll be as flexible.

Ultimately though I'll be looking very closely at the iPhone 6 when it comes out because Android just won't address the concerns around security.

Comment Re:Real Address? (Score 2) 113

In the UK you can request your details are hidden from whois for any domain if you're a personal user rather than a business. It shows up as follows:

Registrant's address: The registrant is a non-trading individual who has opted to have their address omitted from the WHOIS service.

This is to comply with UK data protection laws. I don't think it applies to international domains registered within the UK though. Obviously your registrar still has the details on record.

Comment Amazon are a bit different (Score 2) 272

I'm not sure including Amazon in the list is a reasonable comparison. Their numbers will be boosted by all the shelf pickers. Same with Apple and their retail stores - it's a different kind of business (OK, perhaps MS have some stores, but I doubt anything like as many). Some tasks are just more labour intensive (at least until Amazon perfects their robot pickers!)

Comment Another Feedly user (Score 5, Informative) 132

I'm happy with the way it works, for the most part. Bit of a shame it has to use external authentication, but I use a secondary account for that anyway. The fact that some features are pay to use is a bit irritating, and I haven't yet decided whether they're worth it. I am willing to pay for services that provide value for me - they're a business, and I understand their need to make money to provide the service - but there isn't much compelling in the pro feature set for me. Possibly Evernote integration, but it's not that much hassle to click through to the website and clip it from there.

Bottom line, though, is that it's better to be a paying customer - at least you know the business has a vested interest in the product. Same with Evernote vs. free options. They make their money from users who get value from their products.

I was also reasonably impressed with Feedly's transparency over the recent DDOS attacks they (and Evernote) suffered.

Comment Re:Well, fuck you very much (Score 2) 495

Me too, in the UK. Figured it was a random glitch until I read this.

I use no-ip to provide an address back to a home server running ZoneMinder for a couple of security cameras. So as it stands I can't access my security system. Great. I went to no-ip because my ISP doesn't offer fixed IP addresses and for no good reason changes my IP address every few days. I also have it on a self-signed SSL cert, and if I access it via IP I have to add another exception to the browser every time it changes.

If it wasn't for the SSL aspect, I'd have a script on my home box identify the external IP address and email me when it changes.

Comment Re:Governments are main Reason (Score 1) 538

Absolutely. I also went through uni when fees were paid and grants were available (late 80s/early 90s). Student loans were only just coming in when I left.

The big difference then was that it was possible to get a good job with "just" A levels. Even professions such as accountancy were possible without a degree, and many of my equally capable peers left after college or sixth form and have done just as well as I have. It wasn't a default decision for me, but I'm glad I went mostly for the social side and first experience of living alone in a relatively safe and easy environment. I don't think it particularly helped my career.

The company I work for now only takes on graduates for all but the most trivial roles, but when I started we took on people with any level of formal education who showed the right ability and aptitude. I don't think the quality of applicants has improved. Companies that used to look for degrees twenty years ago now looks for applicants with masters or higher. It is an escalation, and I don't think it does anyone any favours.

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