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Comment Re:Restriction of speech is still necessary (Score 0) 355

Child pornographynis already illegal. So no action needed there. You don't censor millions because a handful of people misbehave.

Hate literature is annoying but shouldn't be banned. People can manage to toss that stupidity aside.

Your willingness to allow a little censorship cracks the door to a LOT of censorship later.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 0) 145

Do we have to cover this again?

Internal or external antennas are tuned to specific frequencies, but BOTH have attenuation when held. The return rates for iPhone 4 were below that of any of the other models, if there really was a problem then they would have had people returning them in droves. I'm afraid you've swallowed the anti-Apple koolaid and went back for seconds.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 0) 145

If someone would have addressed his statement head on instead of doing the red herring argument then maybe it would have been a valid criticism.

Yeh, whiney Mac haters like you really give me the shits. There is nothing that Apple does that you won't criticize despite obvious evidence to the contrary.

Comment Re:Bad for everyone (Score -1) 181

Sorry, but you take on this is simplistic and ridiculous. Apple DID innovate in both the tablet and phone markets and made NEW products that were wildly successful, and suddenly everyone else had the same idea (WFT?) and churned out copycat products. I don't think they are scared of Android, I just think they would like the Android peddlers to do their own homework and come out with their own product instead of releasing photocopies of Apple's.

Comment Re:Having to jail break your own freaking phone (Score 1) 184

I do wish they would unclench a bit and offer things like a mini-usb for ipad so you can back up docs and pull docs off a HD. It's very rare that I wish they had done anything differently, but I can see where some may want that flexibility and Android is the way to go for them (or jailbreak the iPhone). I don't think Apple needs to offer a higher priced version which is jailbreaked, you can do that for free and I know they have no interest in supporting a jailbroken device, there's too many pitfalls in that arena.

Comment Re:Those disgusting proles! (Score 1) 317

Disclaimer: IANA Teabagger

I would submit the experts are wrong. The problem is the economy is broken by rampant overspending, both at a governmental and private level. Make a balanced budget and stick with it. Government stimulus packages aren't working because they don't work. Spending more money on something that doesnt' work isn't going to improve anything. Fire the pricks in Washington.ALL of them. They don't control the economy and they don't create jobs. They are wasting our time on talking points and not getting anything done.

And there are no such things as "political facts". That very term is an oxymoron.

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