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Comment Re:The worst thing... (Score 1) 575

You can leave your gun in your car, you can not leave your skin color, sex, religion*, sexual preference, disability at the door before walking in. That is a huge difference and has nothing to do with "progressist" anything.

* religion can also include your religion for or against gun control laws, and you may discuss your religion while on premise.

Comment Re:At least... (Score 1) 214

I moved here from Europe. I spent my early childhood in India, Pakistan, Israel and Lebanon. Yes, in some cases moving is quite easy. But once you buy a house, start a family, have elderly family members that rely on you, etc it becomes difficult to the point of impossible to move. Some are luckier that others - My sister typically moves from one continent to an other every 2-3 years. Just because some people can move easily doesn't mean that it is a realistic to say "if you don't like the state you live in move to one that works for you".

Comment Re:At least... (Score 3, Interesting) 214

Is Ohio deciding how to deal with California trade, or are a few making choices that will harm the many. The parent comment about moving everything to the state level was in response to the comment that local politicians are easy to lobby (let's not call it bribe). I find it inherently wrong that a few with money can carry so much leverage in our political system.

Comment Re:While... (Score 3, Insightful) 784

If we look closely enough it is quite likely that we will find spree shooters all had drivers licenses. Talk about a key similarity! Put another way, correlation and causality would like to have a chat with you. If taking anti depression drugs was linked to spree killings CA freeways would be clear of traffic because there wouldn't be anyone left alive.

Comment Re:All the other OS, too. (Score 2) 352

Don't get nostalgic about the old manual days where an employee might have a chance to glance at your postcard. These days the post-office (and by extension every branch of government that wants to) memorizes each and every post card you receive.

Comment Re:Number complied with 0 (Score 4, Insightful) 93

Section 215 includes the lovely clause that you are not allow to mention that you have received one. The fact that Apple is saying they haven't in interesting because if they stop saying there is a very clear inference that can be drawn. Think of it as a canary - when you see that line dropped in subsequent reports you can assume Apple has received one, even though they won't be able to say so.

Comment Re:Your eyes... (Score 4, Informative) 291

In your scenario the action started at exactly the same time. Then things diverge. The game state changing and reacting is driven by the game refresh rate (which may be independent of the video refresh rate). The latency between the game state change and the visual feedback is directly linked to the video refresh rate.
As an example if you have the same game running on two machines, one at 60Hz and the other at 1Hz. In both cases you press the button at exactly the same time. The game update will process that button press and start a muzzle flash, that took some period of time that we will assume is equal for both machines (i.e. I won't make the slow rendering machine also have a slow game update, even if typicaly the two are tightly coupled). So 1/nth of a second after the button press both machines are ready to show the muzzle flash. On the first machine you will see the muzzle flash 16.6 milliseconds later. On the 1Hz machine the muzzle flash will appear 1 second later.

Now, my example is a bit extreme (to make it obvious that there is a difference. Do not think that this is irrelevant in real word cases. I worked on one of the first fps games to win awards for jump puzzles that were not atrocious. Early on we spent a lot of time testing the game at 30Hz and at 60Hz. If we ran the game at 30 we could effectively double the quality of the graphics, which the art team obviously wanted so that they could do even greater stuff. But after blind testing we found that everyone noticed "something" was better about the game that ran at 60Hz. Reducing the latency between the button press and the jump allowed players to gage the jump point more accurately. Reducing the latency of the joystick movements allowed the player to guide their landings more accurately.

One final note, maintaining a consistent frame rate is even more critical, players have to know that when the press "x" they will get the same result.

Submission + - Touch ID sensor is custom paired to each iPhone (

faffod writes: The guys at iMore uncovered some undocumented layers of security for the Touch ID sensor.

Apple doesn't make specific mention of any other additional safeguards. However, as we discovered through some research and testing of our own, it seems as though Apple went through the trouble of pairing every individual Touch ID sensor cable to each individual phone as well. That's an incredible feat, and it immediately raises the question — why?

While this will make replacing the button an Apple exclusive (read expensive) job, it seems that Apple wants to make it difficult for people to hack the system.

Comment Re:inb4 (Score 1) 638

I completely agree that a HUD nav system would be superior. That is not what Google glass is. Given the context of the conversation I have to speak out against Google Glass in a car. This evening a friend posted this on his FB page (*hangs head in shame* yes, I read FB to catch up on friends). The relevant part is the "I didn't see him" defense. It is prevalent in the US for drivers to be exonerated from wrong doing when it is obvious they were completely negligent. Google Glass in a car will only push that further.

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