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Comment Re:Cam shafts work without the battery (Score 2) 383

Non-interference has all but disappeared, because of higher efficiency of interference engines.

However, people seem to be misunderstanding the function of the electro-pneumatic valve. The electric solenoid would only OPEN the valve, with a pneumatic system returning it to close position. Electronic failure? Valve closed.

Comment Re:Cam shafts work without the battery (Score 1) 383

You didn't even read the source you gave (typical /.)

The source you gave clearly states F1 cars have NEVER gone camless, because of FIA regulations against variable valve timing.
YES, they do have pneumatic valve return, but actuation is still controller by a camshaft.

The thing is, camless systems exist in actually usable engines, but those are huge two-stroke marine diesel engines.

Comment Oh I predict... (Score 1) 500

A lot of people are going to see some sort of causal link between them raising the salaries and the business soaring. And while I'm sure a big salary bump does bring a certain stability to those who previously had the lowest salaries in the company, that morale boost probably doesn't explain, by itslef, the big sales increase the company has seen. I'm guessing the inrush of clients was caused by the PR storm this has created, and any try to replicate their growth will be met with less excitement.

Get over it, it's been done.

The real question is, was this the original intent of the salary bump?

Comment Re:Who Cares? (Score 1) 167

Who are the investors in this company? Oh yes, the record industry. They keep making money from the high royalty costs, and can at the same time point at the Spotify bottom line and say "look, streaming isn't profitable, we have to go back to the good ol' business model of sales and DRM, THINK OF THE MUSICIANS!"

It's great when you have contracts with your musicians which enable you to have your cake, eat it, and then claim a part of their cake too to cover expenses of your cake eating.

Comment Medallion vs Commercial license/insurance (Score 1) 341

I'm fairly libertarian in my views, but I do agree with the City of Berlin in requiring commercial licensing and insurance on Uber drivers, as a consumer protection issue. How Uber chooses to solve this is up to them. They could require commercial licensing for all driver applicants, and provide the insurance on a per-ride basis, if this is legal in Germany.

HOWEVER, while this problem is separate from the medallion issue that Uber has faced in the US, only time will tell how the German local and national government treats Uber and other ride-sharing services. AFAIK, there is no set limit on the amount of commercial licenses and insurances in the city of Berlin, which is unlike how the medallions work. Medallions are not in place to provide consumer safety, but to limit the availability of providers. And protecting profit margins.

If Uber solves the issues presented and starts working with commercially licensed and insured drivers, but keep getting into trouble with the government, then we can start suspecting foul play.

And I'm not saying the official taxi companies played no part in this, they probably were very eager to tip off the local government of this legal issue

Comment Re:The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Science (Score 0, Flamebait) 322

Exactly. For example, every time Krugman gets involved in a debate about the banking sector, it becomes clear why he got the award. The Honorary Nobel Prize he got was handed to him by the head honchos at the Swedish Central Bank, so it shouldn't come as a surprise when his views are heavily leaned towards a more finance sector friendly Keynesian way of thinking.

So trying to boost his credibility with this "Nobel Prize" will only work on people who don't know what kind of a rigged anti-prize it is.

Comment It's just the way they're tested. (Score 1) 238

The testing standards for the EU fuel consumption numbers are very strict and stringent and have never actually stated that you'll be able to reach these figures yourself. The cars are tested indoors, and are not in any way subject to real world conditions during this test. It's just a tool to standardize the way the cars are tested so as to give the consumer a clue when comparing different cars.
Because of course the car manufacturers are going to game the system by not only "cheating" with taping, over-inflated tires and such like mentioned in earlier posts, but also building cars in a way which makes them more optimal for this test.
The test itself includes both a urban-cycle and a non-urban cycle, which are then combined for an EU-average. The scores for all three measures are then stated by the dealership and as I said, they are mostly for comparing between cars and not estimating any real world consumption, because that would be almost impossible to do because of varying temperatures, road surfaces, drivers.... The list is long.

Comment Re:Just call the credit card company and tell them (Score 1) 321

Nope, people *think* they only authorized one payment, because they don't know how the system works.
What they actually are authorizing is a 30 minute windows of purchases.

How can Google fix it? Just remind them at every log-in. "The device will have authorization for payments for the next 30 minutes."

Submission + - Finnish Police Board Takes Issue With Wikipedia's Fundraising ( 3

linjaaho writes: Yesterday, the admin list of Finnish language Wikipedia received a request for comment from National Police Board of Finland. The Police board claims that the fundraising message appearing on the top of the Wikipedia pages is illegal fundraising and is punishable by criminal law. The Police Board asks how much money have they raised and ask for justification for the campaign.

This is not the first time the Police Board attacks fundraising. In 2012, a crowdfunded textbook Kickstarter project was delayed because a similar request of comment.

Comment Re:Relation to Debt Crisis? (Score -1, Troll) 196

Well, least corrupted if you look at how corruption is defined in the laws of the land. A lot of the corruption is legalized by law(state sanctioned or state run monopolies, or oligopolies run by politicians) and thus not counted towards the corruption score in international rankings.

Funny that, just invent a BS reason for a protection racket(protecting the state's or your own profits, not the people...) and BANG! Not corruption, just the way the country is run.

BTW, in socialist countries, welfare is a kind of bribe, it keeps the poor masses living on those welfare payment in line, making sure they keep voting for the political parties who keep promising them the best short-term deal.

Comment Re:Hmm I might get one (Score 4, Interesting) 307

One of the most important features is the "Other Half" or whatever they're calling it, which is basically a back cover with a digital interface. There are already projects in motion to produce back covers with slide-out keyboards, extra batteries, among other things.

This feature has been seriously underplayed, it's one of the most exciting things about the whole phone!

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