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Comment Re:Planescape: Torment (Score 1) 329

Planescape: Torment is an amazing game. If I remember correctly, I tried to get through without fighting at all, but it is near impossible( I think you might even have to bash a zombie to get out of the first room ). That said, you can get through many if not most parts of the game through dialogue. In fact, you can gain new abilities and bonuses just by talking to your party NPCs. Also, unlike a lot of Japanese RPGs, the dialogue really was worth reading. It was really a well-written, revolutionary game. It's right up there next to Fallout and Fallout2 in my list.
GNU is Not Unix

Journal Journal: Using sort

Damn sort, not working the way I thought.

I post this mainly as a self-reminder, but it might help others.

sort -n

is just not enough to numerically sort several columns.

For example:

$ (echo "12 12"; echo "2 12"; echo "2 2"; echo "12 2") | sort -n
2 12
2 2
12 12
12 2

The first column is correctly sorted, but not the second one.

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