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Comment Right to Liberty; Freedom of Choice (Score 1) 231

I see you have an opinion there, sir. I'm glad you are able to pronounce it publicly. Others have differing opinions on the matter, like myself.

I believe everyone and anyone should be free to do as they please so long as they do not infringe on the rights of others.

The production, ownership, and use of marijuana does not infringe upon anyone's rights.

Comment Dissolve Fed? Replace with new Model! (Score 0) 825

I would rather the current government not only be dissolved but replaced by a fully transparent institution that actually protects everyone's rights equally.

If a person seeks to wield a position of great power, affecting everyone in their society directly, even sending men to die, they themselves must be willing to make significant sacrifices in order to ensure accountability. Ultimate positions require ultimate accountability.

The sole purpose of a republic is to defend the rights of all without bias.

The new conditions to the game:
- fully transparent legislative body: 24/7/365 monitoring of legislative entities while in office. This will filter out everyone but the idealists to argue among themselves.
- socialized legislative body: no member of the legislative body is to own anything. All things required will be provided by the people via an unlimited credit card. All purchases are fully, immediately published. All purchases belong to the People and are not taken out of office. Politicians are not to receive gifts of any sort.
- recenter local legislative bodies within the heart of educational institutions and bring all forms of educational institutions into one central hub. This ensures our youth have easy access to overseeing government discussion forums and observing the members of their government in-action.

Comment Why Not Unlimited Access for Everyone Indefinitely (Score 0) 703

We have the ability to house, feed, medicate and educate every single member of our populace to the highest degree of quality and yet most of us are living in ghettos and prisons. One percent of the populace could support the other 99% . We could all be constantly going to school or studying our world or creating products & art while taking turns performing whatever tasks we haven't manged to automate yet. We should be creating tons of engineers to automate right now. Our potential is utterly wasted so long as we squabble between each other and do not work together to rectify the problem via solutions that satisfy everyone. Everyone can be satisfied. There is bounty.

Socialism is not evil. Capitalism is an outdated model used to keep the populace distracted from the root of the problem: they never made slavery, they just made involuntary slavery illegal. If you work 40 hours a week, you are a slave.

Comment Re:Free? (Score 0) 703

No, the world is saturated with ditch diggers. There's not even enough ditch-digging jobs to go around.

What the world needs is ditch-digging machine engineers.

We have the ability to house, feed, medicate and educate every single member of our populace to the highest degree of quality and yet many if not most of us are living in ghettos and prisons. One percent of the populace could support the other 99% . We could all be constantly going to school or studying our world or creating products & art while taking turns performing whatever tasks we haven't manged to automate yet. We should be creating tons of engineers to automate right now. Our potential is utterly wasted so long as we squabble between each other and do not work together to rectify the problem via solutions that satisfy everyone. Everyone can be satisfied. There is bounty.

Comment Re:Pesky Laws (Score 0) 424

Isn't that the problem? That these agencies follow exactly what Congress says and Congress is bought by corporations? With the way things work right now, Congress can do anything it wants no matter the constitution until finally someone with enough time and money comes along to fight them all the way to the supreme court over it. Can you sue for laws broken in the past after the law has been better defined by the supreme court?

I for one would prefer that we as a people come together and peaceably secede at the local levels. I don't know how exactly, but we should pull together locally.

Comment Re:Executive Orders Need to Expire, and Quickly (Score 0) 180

Executive Orders, according to sovereign lore, relate to the idea that the original united States' Constitution died during the Civil War (late 1800's) and was reinstated as a corporate charter, while creating a corporation under the name UNITED STATES. Only corporations issue executive orders. Many youtube videos on this subject. It supposedly leads back to the Vatican, the Crown, and the District of Columbia all being agents of the shadow of government. Our government is actually a farce. Look into the IRS, registered voting, driving without a license, sine die (what ended the Constitution(contract) and replaced it with a constitution),

No law other than common and contract law ought to exist today as all people are considered sovereign.

Comment Welcome to Reality! (Score 0) 387

Yes, you do have to account for yourself, but the exception is honest naivety.

It is everyone's responsibility, including the victim's, to ensure their own safety in this dangerous world, because ultimately we're all alone here. If you haven't yet realized this very real truth then now would be a great time. If you have a power in this world you also have a responsibility to use it rightly. If you have the power to predict a bad scenario then it is your responsibility to do your best to ensure it never comes about.

This is not a social law. This has nothing to do with society. This is selective pressure coming from the deformed animal within humanity that does indeed make a strong appearance in today's sick society. There is a great separation of those who have too much and those who have too little. Look into Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs if you want some sort of psychological understanding. We act out when we lack!

We are independent individuals: depending on others is a weakness as it places you at their mercy.Not actively protecting yourself when you are aware of being in a dangerous environment is called neglect, and in the end it doesn't matter who's fault it is - you were exposed, attacked and defeated because you live in a fairy tale idealistic illusion that left you a target.

If you were never taught this you can blame your parents for your naievity for they are without a doubt ultimately responsible for your future.

There is so much discussion about who's to blame and none about solving the problem!

Today's world is supported by the 80's generation. What happened to you, 80's generation?
Where is your wisdom and correctness? You justness with righteous reality?
Are you so socialized and drugged that you've forgotten the truth?
I think there's little point in addressing the Slashdot crowd with this question - they seem to be a better, more finely informed group than the greater populace.

Comment Re:Let me know when you win that war on drugs? (Score 0) 319

The law is not == what is morally right. If you want a truly creative type working for you, find someone who does not consider boundaries so black and white. Test them with moral scenarios and see if you like their answers instead of asking them questions about your own life decisions and casting them aside when they've come to a different, more open minded conclusion.

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