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Comment crazy NELL (Score 1) 272

Here some facts from 2006 about internet content: Total Growth of the Internet 43.6% Violence and Crime 14.4% Porn and Sex 12.8% Computer Crime 10.0% Illegal Drugs 8.7% I think NELL should be very fast to learn what's important in life.. Well the internet builds character

Comment gaming the patent system (Score 1) 325

Patent offices have loads of work because of all these patents. Where two dogs fight over a bone the third one takes it. In this case thats the patent office. So to game the system, look to business processes as they can be patented too. Some small patent office, only setup for the sole purpose to spoil the patent industry, should patent patent-processes and sue every patent office that can be found. Also patent useless stuff of certain software parts that happen to be used also on the average patent office website. And gather funding of some small software companies behind a smokescreen. Than we sure see how the patent industry benefits from the thing called software patents and business process patents.It is ofcourse big news if a patent office loses suits on patents. Than put the news on Slashdot with some links to several patent office websites and than they have enough PR like there is no tomorrow...

Comment Re:Can we have our money back? (Score 1) 250

Ok what then? Do you want to take the protectionist approach? Well this topic has nothing to do with the recession for crying out loud.

I think the American invention of the internet and all the investment is definately something to be proud of. It has brought the best of America to the world, freedom of speech, better media, etc. It has brought without any doubt more freedom than any premptive war has done...

I also think it had brought more jobs to America that if they would have patented it or used some form of protectionism. I think the investment in the free, sharing and open qualities of the net has not only payed out itself financially, but also intellectually and morally.

The reason America once prospered as worlds wealthiest creditor nation. They had a comparative advantage in economic freedom. Taxes were much lower and the government was less intrusive. They borrowed a lot of money from the Europeans in the 19th century. America used that money for like infrastructure and factories; they did capital investments. And by building factories they became the worlds leading manufacturer and exporter of high quality, low cost consumer goods, also even when the paid the highest wages in the world. And because they made productive use of the money they borrowed of the Europeans, they were able to repay the debt by selling those manufactured consumer goods to Europeans. By 1980 Americans owned more foreign assets than all the creditor nations in the world combined, they were the worlds most wealthy lenders with a high savings rate.

Today is the exact opposite. They no longer flood the world with low cost high quality goods, but they flood the world with dollars. The United States routinely borrows from the poorest nations in the world. The relationship is now: America consumes and everybody else produces. America borrows and everybody else saves. Without American consumption, what would all these Chinese do for jobs? Well it's not about jobs. You don't want jobs so you can work, you want jobs so you can consume; a higher standards of living. The fact that the Chinese get jobs in exchange for the products they give us doesn't do any good for the Chinese. The Chinese are perfectly capable of consuming their output themselves. They don't need their government to artificially suppress the exchange rate of the Yuan so that they can artificially elevate the value of the Dollar so that the Americans get to consume all the goods that the Chinese could have consumed had it not been for that monetary policy.

This current dynamic where Americans don't save and not produce is not viable. America convinced the foreigners painting their fence and pay them is a privilege. But the minute the Chinese, the Japanese stop buying these Dollars, the show is over.

All this borrowed consumption is going to have to be paid. American consumers are now loaded up with debt to their eyeballs, and the very nature of that debt.

It is stupid from the governent to stimulate ownership of residential property by stimulating people and banks to use NINJA-mortgages(No Income, No Jobs or Assets). Credit for people with no money is insane, ofcourse they cant pay back. Ofcourse that means trouble for banks, and so on. Predatory lending also took a part of the blame. Also not wise was to use the value of a house as a kind of slot machine. It was a mania on the housing marktet that made it to a bubble bound to collapse.

I can strongly advice you to read the standard economic work of Niall Ferguson: "The Ascent of Money" . Innovation in financial products has always followed a bust and boom cycle.

Having no supervision on complex financial products like derivations is insane, even by any measure of common sense. The innovated product of securitizes mortgages in trenches for mortgages give to people with no income, no jobs or assets is also insane. Especially when it gets a AAA stamp from the American credit rators. Ofcourse that means that people will find out those products are hard to put a price on later when buyers understand that junk NINJA mortgages shouldnt have an AAA rating. The Fed didn't supervise the deratives market. Of course it was a wild west there.

People should have saved. The Fed should have supervised the deratives market. The Government shouldn't have made NINJA mortgages posible. America maybe cannot produce cheaper (wages of Chinese and Indians are way lower), but maybe Amerricans can better products. If Americans can't, bad luck. That is called competition. Don't be lazy to think that America has threw money away at the internet at the expense of america resulting in the current crisis. That's total BS. Instead: save, invest, export and compete!

By the way, siolationism and protectionism have been ore hurtful to the economy than the openess of the internet. The Great Depression got bad for a big part because of protectionism. And patents didnt helped innovations so much either. Mind sharing and investment in R&D did work. America has just to figure out again how to use the money wisely and invest it in R&D, education and in all openness and freedom. The internet again is only a good example.

Comment Re:Can we have our money back? (Score 1) 250

I don't agree with you. Internet maybe first started at ARPA to have a communication network system that could still work if some catastrophe would happen. However later it was used to share information between universities and later businesses. Since we all like freetrade and don't like tight government control over business, it is America who has to keep up or lead. A way to lead is by creating products cheaper and of higher quality than others (the combination of those two). If you can't do it cheaper, you must do better. Preventing by putting a lock on it is called protectionism. And protectionisme only leads to tradewars. Better it would be to invest in education institutions, in Reasearch and development. Stimulate smart people to share information and learn. maybe Americans will never work for a low incomes like those people in outsourcing countries. However better quality, better process technologies, leading on cutting edge science, etc will bring America to the frontwave. This is how it always worked, and it will still keep working that way. If you really want a secure internet and like government control, the best you can do is tax Microsoft for damage to productivity of businesses and use that money to sponsor the open source movement, especially business applications and open source operating systems ;) That will sure make things better ;)

Comment Quality/Price (Score 1) 446

The appearance of a phone and the practical usefulness (stuff that has no hick-ups for basic phone functionality) are two qualities. Apple has made statements in fashionably designed electronic consumer products, but they have a track record in putting stuff on the market that after the hype seems to lack, and does contradict the company's promise to deliver products that "just work". Apple doesn't seem to care enough about producing predictable quality products during their manufacture. Maybe everyone has become bleeding edge geeks. To me I rather have an unfashionable phone than a awesome 3d sculpture that doesn't deliver the promise, and especially not from a company that lies when it says "it just works". Apple historically has produced many products which were fashionable looking but suffering all kinds of problems. For computers the biggest problem is heat, so why is it possible for Apple to mass produce integrated system which doesn't seem designed to really solve heat issues (cube, etc)? And one of the biggest problems of phones is signal strength, so how does it comes Apple designes products that have so much problems with it? Maybe we buy because we are just so bored to death by the ugly designs of the stuff of other manufacturers who deliver on basic quality?

Comment Who cares? (Score 2, Insightful) 204

Who cares if Microsoft lies, they don't know what they are doing, anyway. Their long term vision lacks anyway. Apple has a store MW wants a store. Apple has an App store, Microsoft wants an App store, Apple has Ipod, Microsoft wants an Ipod. Etc. They want to be the best, but each time they just give up. If Microsoft ever had the edge of vision, they have lost in anyways. They are already have become the boring IBM Gates never wanted to be. And Gates is gone. There is no leadership, there is no focus. They just want to do everything, and they do everything.... Poorly

Comment America competative with broadband?? (Score 1) 199

My answer is No. In Holland much faster median ISP's, the fastest is XMP and has 200 MB/s down- en upload. Compare that with America's fastest of a mere 1.23 Mbps: America's fastest is 163 times slower. And XMP's bandwidth is relatively low considering the architecture. If demand required higher speeds XMP can using its current architecture easily increase to 1000 Mb/s. That's 813 times faster. The average Dutch ISP speed is 16.19 Mbps, still 13 times higher.

Holland is not the only one, there are more countries with even much more speed: Japan (Nippon Telegraph) has 1Gbps (FTTH) and just for $40 in 2009.
And consider:
  • Finland - 110Mbps
  • Sweden - 100Mbps
  • Korea - 100Mbps
  • Iceland - 100Mbps
  • France - 100Mbps
  • Denmark - 100Mbps
  • Spain - 50Mbps
  • And why should the US citizens care about the speed of their bandwidth i hear you ask... Fast communications will encourage more employees and employers to make greater use of teleworking. This can deliver benefits both to the firm and the worker, as well as the wider economy, society and the environment. I would day instead of bailing out AIG, consider a bandwidth upgrade that put's America out of the digital equivalent of the stone age !!

Comment Strategic move microsoft (Score 1) 152

Flash has opposition now from two technologies, one is SVG and the other is Silverlight. The timing is very logical since Apple doesn't support flash on it's IPhone and Ipad. Microsoft first has to remove Flash from it's dominant position. If that plan would work out in the future Microsoft can always choose to drop SVG support and pushing forward it's Silverlight.

Comment nice (Score 1) 184

Why not run the generated numbers of that algo through the financial news and stock exchange servers. Maybe that would lead to better results than let Ben Bernanky run the dollar down by his frantic freaky evil moneyprinter.

Comment Why Ipad will not make it (Score 1) 756

Ipad will not be successful. geeks will tell you Ipad lacks a camera, tethering etc. But the mainstream will not buy it at large: you cannot read books in sunlight, it has a very low browsing experience (no tabbed browsing, no flash plugin support). And in the sunlight you can't use the device. How phenomenal is unusable?

The really cool apps will be on android. Innovation needs open systems, it simple doesn't work in closed software, hardware and distribution systems. For instance notions ink device looks like the Ipad and runs android and has a color screen which is readable in direct sunlight. It has even all the things that geeks miss in the Ipad, camera microphone etc. tabbed browsing, flash support. Check the video at the bottom of the linked page. That's phenomenal!

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