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Comment Re:Privacy is so 20th century. (Score 2) 434

In this case, the employer's policy is to also obtain the FB password to re-certify existing employees. So, those employees should lose their jobs unless they give up their FB password?

Also, viewing the FB account of a job seeker very likely gives the employer access to information that cannot be legally asked in an interview.


Baseball Coverage Coming To Consoles 25

Gamasutra reports that "ESPN and MLB Advanced Media are extending their current digital rights agreement through 2013, and expanding it to allow Major League Baseball content delivery through video game console services. In addition to delivering live game streaming through ESPN properties and ESPN Mobile TV, the cable television network's agreement expansion includes 'alternative platforms,' like Xbox Live via its Marketplace, along with other download services like the iTunes Store and portable devices like Microsoft's Zune." Further details for the rest of the digital rights agreement are also available.

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