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Comment Re:Apple don't pay dividends (Score 1) 264

You get a pyramid scheme or bubble when there's a disconnect between the actual value of the item being speculated upon, and the price that is placed on it by the speculators.

But the supply of diamonds has been limited with the intention of raising the price above what they'd be worth otherwise.

The exact opposite has had to occur with Apple stock over the years.

Comment Re:Never Buy A Windows Mobile Device (Score 1) 391

That your friends wish to raze Redmond to the ground is not helpful in the least in deciding whether to consider a Win 7 phone. You are not sharing your experience. You're just ranting.

I'm also quite aware that Windows Mobile was pretty poor. This is not Windows Mobile. So your posts haven't even been on topic, much less about "sharing experience."

Comment PR Newswire (Score 0) 498

PR Newswire publishes press releases for a fee. Reuters reprints PR Newswire releases. Nobody in the chain fact-checks a damn thing.

Press conferences are not evidence. Testimony is not evidence. If they don't bring a body or a spaceship to this press conference, then there is absolutely nothing new here at all.

Comment Re:No kidding (Score 1) 350

The problem is, our government is not free enough, when boiled down to a government whos only job is to protect against fraud and force both corporations and consumers win.

No, the problem is your silly libertarianism, which somehow makes you believe that a government powerful enough to protect against fraud and illegitimate use of force, won't be powerful enough to become that "tyrannical, omnipotent state" you fear so much. And one that is not powerful enough to become a "tyrannical, omnipotent state" can't do jack squat about preventing or punishing fraud or illegitimate use of force. Because - get this - when people commit fraud, they try to hide it. So to protect against fraud, your enforcement agency needs to have the power to force people to do things and reveal things they want to keep secret. That means it must have bigger guns than the fraudsters have, and a populace that wants to have this protection backing it up.

Sorry, your ideology and the conclusions it leads to, is retarded.

look at Sweden with 86% voter turnout because they use proportional voting.

Yeah, look at Sweden with its powerful central government.

Get your story straight.

Comment Re:No kidding (Score 1) 350

Which is why it is important to either have a very limited government that wouldn't let these abuses happen...

Let's think for a second about what a very limited, practically powerless government will be able to do to prevent any abuse the corporate world wants to impose. Will it be empowered to at least write a sternly-worded letter? Because a sternly-worded letter will at least make them think twice before doing what they were going to do anyway, won't it?

... or allow for party-list based proportional representation in order to get people involved in politics and generate good government.

I guarantee making voting more complicated is not the answer. You need an educated, informed electorate first. But if you have that, playing silly games with the ballot won't be necessary.

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