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Comment Scientific conferences (Score 1) 105

I generally attend a couple of conferences a year, and try to present some of my work at least at one event (I'm out of academia so publishing is not a priority).
It's a great way of keeping in touch with the latest bits of research, but mostly it's about the networking.

And the fact that some conferences are organized in beautiful places does not hurt!

Comment Meego (Score 5, Interesting) 317

The more I use Android the more I LOVE my N9 the more I hate Nokia for killing it.
I know there is a lot of politics involved (not last the usual OSS community circle jerking) but the capabilities of that OS over anything else are amazing.

Comment Re:Great. (Score 1) 113

Yes, it's trollish, but if you have ever had to do business with Japan you will know how hard it is to carry out any sort of meaningful conversation without resorting to a professional translator.

The best is having a one hour long meeting in English and then have your Japanese boss redo the meeting in Japanese when you have left the room.

I have been suggesting my employer for years that introducing Japanese classes for the Western staff would be the single most effective improvement that could be done to my company, but alas, it costs money, and companies love their money.

Comment 100 years in the future (Score 1) 658

On a bad day I feel like we don't have that much time left between climate change, oil depletion, bad governments and general idiocracy.
I'd like to see if we're still around in 100 years, if we have done something to change things and if somethings has actually changed.
And maybe a quick peek at how my life turned out, why not?


Microsoft Office 2013 Not Compatible With Windows XP, Vista 711

hypnosec writes "The newly unveiled productivity suite from Microsoft, Office 2013, won't be running on older operating systems like Windows XP and Vista it has been revealed. Office 2013 is said to be only compatible with PCs, laptops or tablets that are running on the latest version of Windows i.e. either Windows 7 or not yet released Windows 8. According to a systems requirements page for Microsoft for Office 2013 customer preview, the Office 2010 successor is only compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012. This was confirmed by a Microsoft spokesperson. Further the minimum requirements states that systems need to be equipped with at least a 1 GHz processor and should have 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit systems or 2 GB for 64-bit hardware. The minimum storage space that should be available is 3 GB along with a DirectX 10-compatible graphics card for users wanting hardware acceleration."

Comment Look at what happened in Toulouse (Score 2) 186

I really fail to understand how this data is used and if anyone actually checks it or if it is kept in order to incriminate you later. See what happened in Toulouse last week: a man who went in and out Afghanistan and Pakistan, was known to the police, went in and out of jail a couple of times, was known to frequent an extremist group, still managed to kill children in a school and keep the police busy for two days under siege.
Shouldn't he have been stopped before?

I don't understand, really.

Comment The US market is really confusion (Score 4, Interesting) 75

I will visit the US this summer from Europe. Can anyone point me to a link where I can get some maps/explanations about roaming in the US?
I am horrendously confused about the US market and their current standards.
I will come with a N9 and an iPhone so I should be fine, but I'd like to be sure ahead of the time.

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