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Comment Re:Government and rebels (Score 2) 80

From Wikipedia:

Syria ranked 105 out of 179 countries on Human Development Index in 2006.Syria is also one of the few Arab countries that have achieved the target of universal primary education. It is showing remarkable progress in achieving other MDG targets: the gender gap in enrollment is small, with gender parity index of enrollment at primary level at 95 percent and 96 percent at the secondary level in 2007.[2] Literacy rate is estimated at 82 percent in 2004 which is also higher than the average for MENA and lower middle income countries (LMIC ). Literacy among youth (15 to 24) stood at 92.5 percent in 2004

Like all Middle Eastern states, labeled as enemies by the US, Syria has a high literacy. So had Iraq (Soviet influence), Iran (Soviet influence), Libya (Soviet influence), South Yemen (Soviet influence), etc.
Unlike Americas illiterate dictator friends: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, North Yemen.
But, the Syrians can deem themselves lucky, now that the US's bearded friends are bringing "democracy" to their neighborhood...

I think you overrate Iran's influence on Syria. Although the Alawites were quite friendly to Iran, Syria was and is a strictly secular state, and like all other ME players, it's trying to keep the balance of power by maintaining foreign influences and alliances. After all, without Hezbollah keeping them busy, Israel could get some funny ideas; especially shortly before elections... Also, what is it that the Syrians did *not* do by themselves? They are a sovereign state, period!

Comment Re:The Chinese... (Score 1) 544

Uh, Taiwan *is* a part of China; not even the Taiwanese deny that.
OTOH, the US pissed on many South American democracies, helping their militaries to oust democratically elected governments - see Chile, Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba,....

Comment Re:Labor mobility (Score 3, Insightful) 544

No, it means those people will do something else other than manufacturing.

Like what, being artists and/or bankers? Most service jobs today are being replaced by software or outsourced.
Profits and wages for a small group of people have risen astronomically, while the rest is in decline!

Comment Re:The Chinese... (Score 1) 544

Your words are wasted, they do not listen...
I just hope more Europeans will start to think the way you do! There are still far too many Europeans, who think the US is their savior, and that we should see the US as a role model for Europe *shudder*

Comment Re:Henry the VI, Act IV, Scene II (Score 3, Insightful) 597

Dude, lawyers have taken over our society by creating rules and making sure to enforce them - in most countries they are at the heads of the legislative *and* the executive branches of a government. Basically, the whole government is lawyers.
Since the police and the army are obliged to follow the rules, set by lawyers, as they are obligedto follow their orders, there is really no way for the rest of us to stop them.
And, please, don't start about democracy and elections, as there you are given only the choice between 2 lawyers (or an actor, set forth by the lawyers).

So, the should you feel the urge to kill a lawyer, please go ahead, as this would be in the interest of all non-lawyers and in the interest of democracy, and humankind in general!

Uh, which lawyers do actually protect us? The ones who take a bunch of money from you because their colleagues created unreadable laws, or the ones who cash in on you extort^H^H^H^H^H^H suing someone else?

Comment Re:here come the free speech fundamentalists (Score 1) 194

I disagree! Some posts even encouraged the protection of kiddie porn as free speech. what the grandparent was talking about is pragmatism; and I agree with him.
Currently, I see many US citizens carrying the corporate flags against the oppression and tyranny of the ironic, when you look at how little the corporations care for people and their needs!

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