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Comment Re:More info (Score 1) 249

Actually, here in Chattanooga, people are switching to EPB in DROVES. I get asked by little old grannies if they should switch to EPB because of Comcast's horrible customer service.

Unfortunately, they don't yet service apartments :(

Comment Start from the ground up (Score 1) 462

Seriously, teach them about things they're going to use daily. I'd personally start with the operating system, and make sure that they really know that the hardware that runs Windows XP is capable of running other operating systems as well (same goes for MAC OS). I couldn't tell you how many times I've had people tell me that they have a "Windows Vista" when I ask them about their processor.

Comment Re:First (cheap gas?) (Score 1) 355

I live in a decently rural town. Most people here work in nearby towns (TOWNS, NOT CITIES) that are much larger than the area I live in.

Even those (bigger) towns don't have public transit systems.... And even for those of us who work HERE, we sure as hell can't walk to work. The center of town is about 4-5 miles from here, and there are no sidewalks or anything of that sort. It would mean walking up (and down) hills on the side of the highway the whole way there.

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