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Comment Re:Why is that legal? (Score 0, Flamebait) 520

When you buy a computer, you're not buying just a device; you're also licensing software that makes that device work. So no, your first sale doctrine doesn't really apply because you're not just using a purchased item, you're buying hardware attached to a software license.

You may have trouble with that concept, the same as a vagrant has trouble with the concept of loitering or peeing in public, but the laws are there to protect business models, not to make you feel liberated from needing to pay for things other people have created.

It's one thing to take a device (iPod, PC,Wii, whatever), completely wipe the software and install Linux or your own code. It's very different to take those same devices, and use the existing software against its license to do something you want to do with it in order to violate the deal you got when you bought it.

There are plenty of people who don't think humans should be able to own private land (because they can't or don't), so you are not alone in having a purely selfish view of copyright that suits your personal needs. That does not mean you have any legal standing.


Why Apple is betting on Light Peak with Intel: a love story

Comment Re:Maximal ignorance exposed and explained. (Score 1) 520

Microsoft also set aside that special $1,150,000,000 fund for repairing those loss leader Xbox 360s. Across the less than 12 million units it had shipped up to that point, that means the company dropped nearly another $100 per unit. Return rates were over 50% at one point, and are still fairly high.

Compared to that scale of money loss (and Sony's expensive effort to promote BluRay via the PS3), Nintendo's tiny Wii hardware profits look phenomenal. But they're still very thin margins and depend upon software licensing deals to make it worth doing.


Why Apple is betting on Light Peak with Intel: a love story

Comment Re:Grand Central Dispatch? (Score 1) 366

To help kill off the douchbag antivirus vendors who are trying to use irrational fear sell Mac users antivirus tools they don't need.

There are all of two malicious trojans you can actually encounter (I tried to find one live on the web and could not), so Apple just added them both to the blacklist the looks at files you might download. Much like the antiphishing features of browsers, which only point out obvious risks to users as they wade through them.

Comment Re:It doesnt matter... (Score 0, Flamebait) 304

If you look at the big problematic viruses that ransacked Windows XP and created the security/virus panic at Microsoft that resulted in Vista's new security focus, outbreaks such as Melissa virus or the more recent Storm trojan, you realize that all this bullshit being spewed by security experts about exploit vulnerabilities and root access is a distraction.

Melissa was a fucking Office macro virus. Storm is a trojan. All the "malware" on the Mac is stupid shit you have to authorize the installation for. None of Windows' malware/virus/adware crisis is really solved by ASLR. There are no advanced OS security features that can prevent people from authorizing the installation of a trojan masquerading as a video codec or a pirate copy of iWork. If you have admin rights on a machine, you can install all the trojans you need, and you can wipe out all of your own data without any need for "root access."

Charlie Miller is a smart guy, but complaining that ASLR on the Mac isn't bulletproof is like the Maytag repairman publishing how Maytag can eliminate a potential part failure. Doesn't he need to preserve something to be able to show up at award shows and demonstrate flaws on the Mac? It's not like anyone else cares about Mac vulnerabilities, apart from the antivirus companies trying to sell Mac users software they don't need - or so that the user can be "alerted" when they try to install a fake/pirate version of iWork that is really a bit of malware.

The only way to kill malware dead is to prevent users from installing software that isn't approved and vetted. That's what the iPhone App Store does, and all you freetards out there don't like that either, do you?

And on that subject, guess what company is copying Apple's App Store but introducing far more draconian restrictions: Microsoft sells restrictive new WiMo Marketplace via iPhone ads


Comment Re:Wow, biased much? (Score 1) 351

Three pages of detailed explanation, and the best you can come with for an attack is to say that "here is no such thing as a transflective color LCD"?

Maybe you should have thought to plug the following words into Google before making your statement:

iPod touch

What's next, complaints about global warming, evolution, and the Round Earth Theory?

Comment Re:I wonder why they didn't change their prices (Score 1) 351

While you "assure us" about your anecdotal experiences, Apple continues to sell millions of games and other apps for its developer base, and everyone is making money. Big names are making games and continue to release new titles that are pretty cool. Sure, the $0.99 to $4.99 aren't on the level of $30-$50 PSP and DS games, but they are cleaning up and growing in popularity and sophistication.

Apple is lining up developer support essentially for free on the back of its iPod/iPhone business. Microsoft is trying to pay for this kind of attention.

Also, even if 1% of the 75,000 App Store titles don't "suck," that leaves 750 that don't, which is more than you can even install at once.

From OLED to Tegra: Five Myths of the Zune HD

Comment Re:Wow, biased much? (Score 1) 351

Microsoft has had a model to follow since Jan 2007. They've had an SDK to copy since Jun 2008.

Microsoft has been in the Zune game for longer than Apple has had the iPhone. At some point, you have to stop bending over for the grand monopolist of the tech world, as it doesn't deserve your pity sex.

Come on, this sort of irrational fandom should be reserved for the Amiga and Cowon and Ogg Vobis.

From OLED to Tegra: Five Myths of the Zune HD

Comment Re:Gruber is irrelevant. (Score 1) 351

Microsoft knows WiMo is a mess, and didn't want to associate its nerdy IT office image with the 16-year old E orgy imagery it used to launch the Zune.

Now, Microsoft is trying to copy the iPhone App Store with WiMo and Zune has an entirely different set of Xbox-realted dev tools in XNA. So it is a mess. The problem is that XNA isn't going to do anything for the Zune without any installed base (it struggles on the Xbox, which has a large audience), and Microsoft's efforts to copy the App Store are not just late, but more draconian than Apple's.

Microsoft expects developers to pay $99 for every app they submit to the WiMo Marketplace (free or paid), in addition to the annual fee. That's not exactly going to kick WiMo into developer overdrive.

Things go south from there. I'm writing up a report on what's involved in Microsoft's restrictive new store. It's fairly shocking to see what Microsoft thinks it can pull. Clearly lots of delusional management going on.

From OLED to Tegra: Five Myths of the Zune HD

Submission + - Apple develops TuneKit Framework for iTunes LP and (

DECS writes: "RDM looks inside the bonus content files Apple is selling as iTunes LP albums and Extras movies, and discovers Apple has created a JavaScript framework for creating HTML/CSS/JS web standards-based interactive content. It's called TuneKit, and like MobileMe's SproutCore, it proves that you don't need proprietary web plugins like Flash or Silverlight to build rich media. Even more interesting is the evidence that Apple is secretly targeting a new wave of iTunes LP and movies content for use on Apple TV."

Comment Re:What an innovative price cut! (Score 0, Flamebait) 521

What a circle jerk. Pay no attention to the facts or arguments, just frantically stroke yourself while thinking that you're offending me.

I take great pleasure in only being criticized by people who can't effectively mount a counter argument, and must rely on calling me names and suggesting that my "opinion is biased."

Please, keep going, you're only stoking my ego.

Have fun with that Zune!

Comment Re:LPs (Score 1) 521

Actually, the iTunes Extra content (both for audio albums and for movies) is just a self contained web site of HTML/CSS/JS and standard files wrapped up in a bundle (a directory acting as a file) so its easy to use and easy to author.

What it is competing against is stuff like DVD-A, WMA-CDs, BluRay authoring, etc. Anyway, it's free bonus content for fans, not something that could concern those who don't believe in intellectual property.

Apple rivals DVD with new iTunes Extras for movies and albums

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