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Comment Re:Outsourced Programming Flaws (Score 1) 653

Broad strokes here, but most Asian cultures seem to have this answer yes to everything issue, and not just with employees, with customers too. I've explained stuff to Japanese customers and I ask if they understand, the answer is always "Yes", the trick is to get them to explain it back to you and when they fumble you can go over it again, that way they get to save face by not saying "No we do not understand."

Comment Re:Yes, we're boned (Score 1) 393

The Soviets were some of the worst polluters ever. Not even counting stuff like Chernobyl, you have things like the Aral Sea which was completely devastated and there are a number of abandoned polar nuclear lighthouses, which are as bad as you can imagine.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 118

It doesn't look like Microsoft is charging you 9$ to install this application, it looks like a third party is charging you 9$ to do it and Microsoft doesn;t have a problem with either the application or charging you 9$. If you want to write your own app to do the same thing and release it for free, go right ahead.

Comment Re:Just use NameCoin (Score 1) 241

Huh, when I go to dot-bit.bit I get server not found, just like the more than 99% of the population that won't be manually adding the dot-bit nameservers to their DNS. If this was the answer, he would just run his own home DNS and tell everyone wanting info from him to add that.

Comment Re:#1 tool (Score 1) 226

Agreed, I gave up on Cygwin because it crashes too often for my taste and when it crashes in one Cygwin app, it crashes for all Cygwin apps at the same time, so that long script you have running in the background just hosed itself because you just wanted to run a quick little thing.

Comment Re:So if you (Score 1) 733

Many places ban eating animals that most people would consider "pet" type animals. There is no nationwide ban on cat or dog meat in the US, but there is one for horse meat, Germany banned dog meat since 1986, South Australia has banned cat and dog since 2004. These may have been repealed, but laws like this are not uncommon and there may be individual state laws in the US.

Comment Re:I sort of agree (Score 1) 510

Baen also includes in a number of their hardbound books a CD that usually contains, that book, a number of other books by the same author(most often any preceding books in the series) and quite often a number of other author's books all in many different ebook formats all without DRM. They also encourage you to distribute the CD by copying it to as many people as possible as long as you don't charge for it.

There are a couple of websites out there that also have archives of the CD. Baen is aware of these websites and has no problem with them. is probably the best one out there.

There are also a number of free books on Baen's own website.

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