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Comment Re:The relevant bits (Score 1) 434

REALLY? No CLI on a modern OS? I'm not a CLI elitist by any means, but get real. GUIs break more shit, slow shit down, and cause more problems and attack vectors. I'll stick to the CLI and leave you your eye candy, sluggishness, and botnets. NEVER need CLI on a modern OS? It's how the REAL knowledgeable people fix YOUR BROKEN SHIT. Takes more time to do work? Get real. And fuck your real desktops, says my ChromeOS driven box. With CLI, thank you...

Comment Junk in the Wall (Score 1) 119

We got one for testing a few weeks ago. Never got past a boot screen. Re-install OS per manufacturer resulted in a brick. Waiting for a week for support to respond.... (Disclosure: Other folks working with it. I have no exposure to it other than laughing at their increasing frustration / cussing). Now, this can happen with any product, so I'm not dead to it. But DOA unit on the 1st try certainly dampens perception.

HDTV Has Ruined the LCD Market 952

alvin67 writes "Microsoft Evangelist Pete Brown rants about the lack of pixels available in today's LCD screens: 'OK, that's it. I've had it. I want my pixels, damn it! For a while, screen resolution has been going up on our desktop displays. The trend was good, as I've always wanted the largest monitor with the highest DPI that I could afford. I mean, I used to have one of the first hulking 17-inch CRTs on my desk. I later upgraded to a 21-inch job that was so huge, that if you didn't stick it in a corner, it took up the whole desk. It was flat-panel, though and full of pixels. It cost me around $1,100 at the time." After some years of improvements, we've regressed, in Brown's opinion: "At the rate we were going for a while, we should have had twice or three times the DPI on a 24- or 23-inch screen. But nooo."

Comment It's just Greed, Baby (Score 1) 284

This is amazing. I used to own an aircraft salvage biz, parting out corporate jets (Learjets, Falcons, etc.). The smallest bit of FOD can DESTROY a motor, very quickly. These operators know that, and would risk lives for $$. Disgusting...

Intel and Nokia Provide First MeeGo Release 115

wehe writes "The first fruit of the cooperation between Intel and Nokia is available: the first release of MeeGo. MeeGo is a merge of the former Maemo and Moblin Linux distros. What is available now is 'The MeeGo distribution infrastructure and the operating system base from the Linux kernel to the OS infrastructure up to the middleware layer. The MeeGo architecture is based on a common core across the different usage models, such as netbooks, handheld, in-vehicle, and connected TV.' The images available now for download are suitable for Intel Atom-based netbooks, ARM-based Nokia N900, and Intel Atom-based handset (Moorestown). RPM repositories as well as git source repositories are there for download, too."

How the iPad Is Already Reshaping the Internet (Sans Flash) 532

The Internet's already starting to look different, says Gizmodo, in a piece of interest not only to everyone with an iPad floating around the UPS system, but also those of us thinking about some other kind of tablet in the medium-term future. As they put it, "The iPad doesn't run Flash. If your website uses Flash, it won't play well on the iPad. Turns out, a lot of people want their sites to look pretty on the iPad." And an anonymous reader adds this snippet from Webmonkey: "In anticipation of Saturday's release of the iPad — which doesn't run Flash — Apple has published a list of 'iPad Ready' websites. The sites are all big league sluggers like CNN, The New York Times, People Magazine and Surprisingly, there are also a few video-heavy sites in the mix (Vimeo, Flickr, and TED) which would traditionally rely on Flash Player for video playback."

Best Way To Land Entry-Level Job? 441

chemicaldave writes "I'm graduating this May and have been seeking a programming position for months. It seems that the biggest hurdle to landing an interview is getting past the doorman that is HR. After reading this entry from Coding Horror describing the lack of programming candidates who can actually program, I can't help but scratch my head. I can program! (See how I put that link in?) If I can't land an interview, then even a short online evaluation of my coding skills would suffice. I just want a chance to prove myself. Alas, sending resumes to companies has rarely led to anything but an auto-confirmation email of my submission. I understand that sending resumes online is not the best method to landing an interview, but I come from a small rural school so job fairs rarely offer anything more than IT support positions let alone a programming position. It seems to me that developers are always looking for talented young programmers. We're out here looking for you too. Am I missing something?"

US Lawmakers Eyeing National ID Card 826

According to Wired (and no big surprise, considering the practicalities of implementing massive changes in medical finance), US lawmakers "are proposing a national identification card, a 'fraud-proof' Social Security card required for lawful employment in the United States. The proposal comes as the Department of Homeland Security is moving toward nationalizing driver licenses."

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