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Comment Re:And more importantly (Score 2) 249

Honestly flying coach and flying business/first class are totally different experiences, as someone who flies both rather regularly. As a coach passenger you are really treated more akin to luggage. The upper classes come with automatic respect (except of course from the coach passengers). Even the TSA experience is usually better, though shoes come off so they can better grab your sack no matter what your ticket says.

One interesting observation, in the articles photo he is flanked by two attractive flight attendants. So all it takes is 10M miles?

Comment Re:Ubuntu on USB Flash Disk (Score 5, Informative) 622

As opposed to a LiveCD I would recommend installing it on a flash drive instead. The flash drive can be written to, so it can behave more like a real OS (allow you to persist files and settings after a reboot) and its just quicker than CD/DVD.

Comment Nothing Good Can Come From This (Score 1) 417

A couple of thoughts...

Presumably the "market" (as if there is one) for this would be (1) end of the world crowd when their is really no alternative (2) a replacement for tofurkey and the like. In option 1 I choose death. In option 2 I would just like to point out that I eat meat, if you take my "left overs" and turn that into "meat alternative" then you still have meat, albeit pre-digested.

Nothing good can come from this research. I don't care if it cures cancer, still not worth it.

Submission + - Aripi deschise (

aripi writes: "Aripi deschise". Magazine for teachers and students in primary grades.

Submission + - When Users Dive into Malware Cesspools (

GMGruman writes: "It's common knowledge that the Android Market is teeming with malware, yet people keep downloading fake apps that steal their personal information or worse. Phishing attacks continue to effectively scam people, despite years of warnings to not do the equivalent of getting in a stranger's car. Perhaps it's time to change the rules, at least at work, so in return for the ability to use the smartphone or tablet of your choice, or even the PC or software of your choice, users take responsibility for not being stupid. Be stupid, lose your smartphone access privileges for a while. Do it again and maybe lose that bonus. The "consumerization of IT" trend says IT needs to stop treating users like babies. But it should also say that users need to stop acting like babies."

The Challenges of Tapping Blood Flow For Power 143

joshuarrrr writes "Researchers in Switzerland have tested small turbines designed to fit inside a human artery, like an implantable hydroelectric generator. The turbines can draw about a milliwatt of power, which would be enough to run a pacemaker. The problem is that the turbines tended to create turbulence, which can cause blood to coagulate into clots. Competing systems avoid the turbulence but have trouble generating enough power."

Comment Re:Cue the old man thread... (Score 1) 322

Well you could try a more efficient OS... ;)

You are correct it is quite possible and even easy to put a large amount of data into a small amount of data, but my point really goes towards the usefulness of transfer that raw information with random people. Besides Twitter already does that...
Though on the plus side. This solution does allow you to casually plug your computer into a brick while hanging out in a random alley with people either looking to mug you or simply waiting their turn for the brick.
Also it doesn't exactly sound fun trying to support the netbook/laptop with one hand while trying to operate it with the other.

Comment Re:Sounds great! (Score 1) 322

Yeah I actually have a 64GB and a 128GB Patriot xporter. But that is not my point. In the article there are linked pictures, where it actually shows the devices, prior to them being just a connector sticking from the wall and based on their small size they could not be any bigger than 4-8GB.

However my point is that there is no real functionality to be gained from sharing small form factor information (read:text) with people you do not know. I am assuming text because you really aren't sharing if the next guy is just going to overwrite your stuff with his stuff, so you have to be able to upload and download freely without having to worry about deleting others files first. But I digress, the point being that without a targeted purpose the usefulness of this thing is nearly non-existent. And yes there are the obvious security issues with this.

Comment Re:Works until it gets polluted (Score 1) 322

Seriously I think it'd be great if the RIAA started messing with this guys "Dead Drops" I mean it is seriously labor intensive, not only that but the base idea is useless to begin with so what real functionality are they robbing from us?

Comment Re:Sounds great! (Score 1) 322

Seriously, when I first read this I thought, hey that is a pretty good idea. But then it occurred to me, what possible usefulness could come out of this? I guess I just pictured something a little more grandiose (some sort of actual storage instead of the 4-8GB that could be in that thumb drive max). And don't even get me started on the fact that some laptops would require a cord to connect up to those (ones with recessed usb, I even have one which has usb in the back vertically).

Comment Re:Hi-res picture you say ? (Score 1) 104

These are 500px wide...

If 640 is enough for everyone, 500 should be enough for 78% of the population.

I'm one of the 0.16% of the population with a 1 pixel display you insensitive clod.

I was like you Chris but recently I made the jump from 1px to 4px and I don't think I could ever go back everything is so crisp and fluid now...

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