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Comment What's the difference? (Score 1) 520

No, I'm not saying that there is no difference between CS and IT work, but I'm curious to know what the difference is as OP sees it. You ask if taking an IT job will hurt your chances of landing a CS job, but without knowing what you mean by that, it's tough to answer your question. For example, is a UNIX admin job CS or IT? DBA? C++ programming? Network Engineer? I would personally put all of those firmly in the IT category, but your opinion may be different.

Comment Re:tradeoffs (Score 1) 367

As has been pointed out elsewhere in this thread, if municipalities were really interested in accident reduction, they would increase the length of yellow lights before they installed red light cameras. I won't argue that careless people cause accidents that is self evident, but there is no reason that we should actively increase the chances of putting people in a situation where carelessness leads to an accident.

As for whiplash, you DO in fact get whiplash when hit from behind. A good, properly adjusted (most are not) headrest will decrease the chances of whiplash, but they are not eliminated. In fact, some studies have shown that firm headrests will INCREASE the chance of whiplash, not decrease it.

But you've entirely sidestepped the point of my original post. A question like "So which is better, a rear-end collision outside the intersection, or a broadside collision inside the intersection?" alone is pointless. You can't consider the question without looking at more data.

Comment Re:where does the burden of proof lie? (Score 5, Insightful) 747

Did you read the article? It said exactly that increased levels of CO2 will be mitigated by increased growth of green plant life, and that the current models are too aggressive in their estimations of negative effects. And this report was not from the oil industry, but from NASA and NOAA, both of whom have been vocal supporters of existing global warming models. Why did you immediately dismiss this new report in favor of scientists who lived one hundred years ago?

Why is it that when someone questions evidence of human caused global warming, he's labeled a "denier" (a term which was intentionally chosen to evoke images of Holocost Denial, by the way) but when someone questions evidence that it's not as bad as previously though, he's not just doing the right thing?

The bottom line is that we don't really know what's going on. Ignoring evidence that doesn't support your claims is just bad science.

Comment Re:TSA (Score 1) 480

I think you missed the point. The comment about going to college wasn't meant to imply that a college degree will help you handle packages better. The idea was that if you go to college you won't have to take a job that required you to be out in the rain and cold at 0400. The main point, however, was that no matter what job you accept, you should be honorable enough to do that job well, even when the conditions aren't to your liking. You've accepted a wage to provide a service. It is now your responsibility to provide that service to the best of your ability. If your answer is "they only pay me $x/hr so I'm going to put my steel toed boot through your Dell" then you need to find another job. I used "you" in this post as a generic pronoun. I wasn't talking about YOU c0lo.

Comment Re:You're right. (Score 1) 1348

Or if you like upgrading to a better video card or CPU, or playing RTS and RPG games, or using a keyboard for FPS, or any one of many other reasons desktops will thrive as gaming platforms for the foreseeable future. I guess you could argue that consoles will come with keyboards at some point to make some of these things easier but I don't think that's a fair position. You'll still have trouble with upgrades, mods and other customizations.

Comment Re:Ignorance (Score 1) 490

"Look, the bottom line is that Apple users like Apple. So what?"

It happens to be relevant to the discussion, in this case why they have such dramatically increased loyalty to what amounts to an inferior system on an inferior network.

I think that the answer is exactly what I said. iPhone users like the iPhone more than they dislike AT&T.

If the inferior system you're referring to is the iPhone I don't think that's a fair assessment. Certainly it's a different system, but for the vast majority of iPhone users I argue that it's a superior system. Most users don't care about the closed nature of the platform and appreciate that they have about 250k apps available, compared to the 40k or so Droid apps. Just because other phones are arguable better for a power user doesn't mean that they're better for the average user.

Comment Re:3M (Score 1) 646

There is no arbitrary starting point for a decade. The current decade could be 9 yrs + 7 months old, or it could be 2 years + 1 day old or it could be three seconds old.

The modern convention is that decades start in years ending with a 0. Yes, there are douchebags who will say "nu-uh, there was no year 0, so the decade doesn't end until the 0 year is over!!oneone!11! I burn you with my wiked smatzzz!" but people probably do equally douchey things like saying "If you're from Phoenix, does that make you a Phoenician?".

They fail to see that the whole damn system is arbitrary and that nobody is any more or less correct than any other person when choosing a starting point for his decade.

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