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Comment "Password" Manager (Score 1) 192

It's called a password manager. KeePass is a nice one. There are many others. How many passwords are so important to you that must internalize all of them? For me, the answer is "very few". Never reuse. Never recycle.

Still, you're right that passwords are unideal--a PGP-like solution would be better. Even done poorly, all they could leak would be the information that you have an account. But if you stored a different PGP-key for each site in Keepass, then they couldn't even do that.

Comment Re:I Tried (Score 1) 244

I saw references to SixXS, and that's just about the only thing I haven't tried yet. Maybe when I get some spare time I'll try it, but I'd really rather get it working using my router than just passing through it. It's all just an experiment for me anyway.

Comment Re:I Tried (Score 1) 244

Yeah, I had problems with OpenWRT almost entering a bootloop. I didn't have any trouble with Tomato, but I seemed to be missing RADVD. I think I've gotten closest with DD-WRT, but I'll probably just wait until I finally decide to spring for a router upgrade. Thanks for the suggestion.

Comment Re:I Tried (Score 1) 244

Having iPv6 enabled on the big servers sounds good, but pinging won't help me test anything unless I set my system to prefer IPv6 over iPv4. Seeing as I utterly failed to forward any actual IPv6 connectivity through my router, I'm still cut off from the IPv6 world. It's a good thing it shouldn't matter much until the ISPs will be virtually required to support it. By then I'll probably be inclined to just buy a new router that fully supports the IPv6 stack out of the box--no need for 6to4. (Maybe I'd have succeeded without the need for 6to4 anyway.)

Comment I Tried (Score 2) 244

I really tried. I tried versions of DD-WRT, OpenWRT, and Tomato on my WRT54GL. I tried using 6to4 using both anycast and tunnelbroker. The best I managed to achieve with either method was successfully pinging I never succeeded in pulling it up in a browser on any of my computers. I thought I got radvd working, but it must not have been working well enough. Maybe next year.

Comment Seems Obvious (Score 1) 404

I have taught a number of people to code 2D and 3D games. Both 2D and 3D involve a lot of coordinate axis transformations that are almost universally non-intuitive at first. This is true in 2D despite there being a direct correlation between the data being mapped from the model/simulation to the screen (2D to 2D).

This study finds it is non-intuitive to go from an abstract number or count to a line segment? Sure. What I'd like to see is the "sources of evidence [which] suggest that humans naturally associate numbers with space". They would surprise me.

Comment Indeed (Score 2) 188

Explaining your work is a great way to demonstrate that you actually understand it. As the article illustrates, perhaps the most critical part is going back and verifying that the code matches the explanation.

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