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Comment I2P? (Score 2, Insightful) 173

Ugh. It's in Java!

I'm sorry. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I just don't need the headaches that come with a Java runtime. Easy installation and maintenance is a must for a successful end user software. Adding a runtime that isn't really all that open source mucks things up needlessly. Plus it runs more slowly.

I like Tor. I'd like to see a distributed Facebook clone built atop Tor.

Comment Any tech specs yet? (Score 2, Insightful) 173

Hoping not to have to set aside the time to wade through all the annoying happy talk just to find out there's no technical meat. Someone please just tell me: are they nailing down a protocol spec first so that we can all do our own interoperable implementations, or at least all contribute code, and so not have the time wasting nightmare that was the Freenet project?

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