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Submission + - Web hosting problems for small companies

ttsiod writes: "My (small) company is selling some of its products and services online. Until now, we had opted for a hosting solution on a USA based provider, since our products are targeting the global market. Unfortunately, we found out (through http://www.myipneighbors.com/) that at least 200 others are hosted on the same IP address — and at least one of them has been hijacked by spammers (or IS a spammer!), resulting in our address being permanently lodged in Spamhaus. Is this a common phenomenon for the Slashdot crowd? We are currently in the process of upgrading to a Virtual Server by the same provider (the IP address will be ours and ours alone); however, we have also experienced DDoS on our server in the past (one of the 200 might have been a target of the Russian bot e-mafia). Can we hope to escape this by using a VS? How often do hosting providers get attacked by the armies of zombie Microsoft-infested PCs? What is the best hosting solution for a small company?"

Submission + - Building a (fast) Wikipedia offline reader (softlab.ntua.gr)

ttsiod writes: "An internet connection is not always at hand... I wanted to install Wikipedia on my laptop to be able to carry it along with me on business trips... After trying and rejecting the normal (MySQL-based) procedure, I quickly hacked a much better one over the weekend, using open source tools. Highlights: (1) Very fast searching (2) Keyword (actually, title words) based searching (3) Search produces multiple possible articles, sorted by probability (you choose amongst them) (4) LaTEX based rendering for Mathematical equations (5) Harddisk usage is minimal: space for the original .bz2 file plus the index built through Xapian (6) Orders of magnitude faster to install (a matter of hours) compared to loading the "dump" into MySQL — which, if you want to enable keyword searching, takes *days*. Enjoy!"
Puzzle Games (Games)

Submission + - The crossing ladders puzzle - attack with Python (softlab.ntua.gr)

ttsiod writes: "I have always loved puzzles — in fact, one of the reasons I got into math/science/computers is probably my love for this particular sport. The "crossing ladders" in an infamous one; I first met it in Martin Gardner's "Mathematical Circus", and I immensely enjoyed my 30min with it. It led me to a better puzzle, though: solving a complex set of non-linear equations with Python. Here http://www.softlab.ntua.gr/~ttsiod/ladders/ladders .html is an account of my struggle with it — I think it's an enjoyable read, if you are a developer/puzzleFreak."

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