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Comment Re:Twenty-five years? (Score 1) 190

Yeah I guess what you say is true. But there are still a lot of inherent difficulty in old games that isn't related to poor programming/designing/other, but just pure, raw difficulty. I remember some Megaman (Rockman for the purists) games, where you had to actually jump in the last pixel of the platform you were in, because the jump wasn't long enough to reach the next one if you didn't do it. I guess you master it through trial/error and lots of repetitions, but isn't everything in life like that? Maybe I'm going too far in it, but old games looked more like real life than new ones heh. They taught you patience!

Comment Re:Twenty-five years? (Score 2, Insightful) 190

Old 8 and 16 bits games beat the crap out of most recent games when it comes to difficulty. Nowdays it seems it's all about eye candy (cough cough I'm looking at you FFXIII), but the games never last more than 20-30 hours unless they're mmorpgs or really good rpgs/adventure games. And even then they're rather easy and you go through content without much problems. Kids and teenager gamers have no idea what they missed.

Comment Re:Twenty-five years? (Score 1) 190

LOL I remember that one, stupid game. I still find Zelda harder :)

I also had Snake: Rattle&Roll. I was never able to reach the last stage and I consider myself a pretty good gamer. Then some months ago I saw a youtube video where someone beats it in 11 minutes. I hated each and every minute of it, that game was a bit of a child trauma for me haha.

Comment Re:I am not surprised. (Score 1) 1027

Indeed. It is frightening for some people to think for themselves and to feel "abandoned" or feel they're completely responsible for their actions in this world, so they rather follow other people's rules. That's basically organized religion. And not ONLY religion, it fits any other type of organization that puts rules to their followers. I'm not quite sure to call laws the same way, since they just try to give us basic rules so everybody can live together in a relatively harmony. But yeah, it is pretty much what you said.

Comment Re:I am not surprised. (Score 1) 1027

Right, I agree with you about the truth parts. That's why I don't belong to any organized religion anymore. While I still believe in a "higher power" (Although I can't explain why, it's probably because I haven't been able to shake it off after years of catholic upbringing), I don't believe in many things the Church says, and I felt like nip-picking truths and beliefs wasn't really following the religion at all, so I just quit it. I rather be agnostic than an hypocrite.

Comment Re:I am not surprised. (Score 1) 1027

Well obviously I love her :)

But I still don't see why you can't be religious and have science. In my upbringing I never saw both things as a dichotomy, religion is faith and science is fact. One rules your actions towards people and the other teaches you about nature and the cosmos. Only here in the US I've seen how things mix up together. That's why I can say my mother is religious AND smart. I don't see why you can't be both.

Comment Re:I am not surprised. (Score 4, Insightful) 1027

And, really, why am I supposed to treat religion different from other mental diseases?

Because it is not.

My mother is very religious. She attends mass every Sunday, she's a roman catholic so she believes in God, Jesus, Virgin Mary, the apostles and the saints. Yet she doesn't believe the Sun goes around the Earth, or that the Earth is the center of the Universe, or that we actually came from Adam and Eve. She's a smart, balanced, and certainly not mental diseased person. I think what you should consider a mental disease is fanaticism. Over anything. Specially religion. That's what really distortion reality for some.

Comment Re:Great! (Score 1) 82

There are so many odd things about growing wisdom teeth that I'm amazed they've survived evolution so far. My sister had to get hers removed because 2 of them were growing sideways against the other teeth and they were pushing them together, with the risk of having crooked teeth in a while if she didn't remove them. And the other ones didn't grow completely and they got cavities on the hidden sides so it was dangerous too.

Mine grew up fine, I actually liked having an extra set of chewing teeth. That one only that was hard to brush and got the cavity had to be removed. The rest are fine (so far, but my dentist want to pull them out. I can see $$ signs on her face :P)

Comment Re:Great! (Score 1) 82

I still have 3 on my jaws, I just had one pulled out because a hard-to-reach cavity transformed into a hole that started to collect food and stuff. And it started to hurt. I didn't want to part with it, I liked to have ALL my teeth. I guess now I appreciate those molars even more!

Oh, and I DID ask for that tooth back. It's in my bathroom now haha.

New Email Worm Squirming Through Windows Users' Inboxes 473

Trailrunner7 writes "There appears to be an actual email worm in circulation right now, using the tried-and-true infection method of sending emails containing malicious executables to all of the names in a user's email address book. The worm arrives via emails with the subject line 'Here You Have' or something similar, and the messages contain a link to a site that will download a malicious file to the victim's PC. The malware then drops itself into the Windows directory with a file name of CSRSS.EXE, which is identical to a legitimate Windows file. From there, it's 2001 all over again, as the worm attempts to mail itself to all of the contacts in the victim's Outlook address book."

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 490

I agree. Words change meanings with new generations. Some gens ago, gay meant "happy". Now days, I'd say nobody would ever use that world to describe happiness. Maybe it is time for "gay" to stop referring to homosexuals and to be used to describe something "lame"? I don't know how the homosexual community would feel about this.

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