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Comment Re:admire lucas for the original star wars (Score 1) 149

... he still made star wars, and therefore still deserves your admiration

Fuck you, fuck George Lucas, and fuck Jar Jar Binks. The best one of the original trilogy (Empire) was the best one because it wasn't directed by George Lucas.

I like the font and the uniforms used by Nazi Germany (and fuck them, too). That doesn't mean they deserve my admiration.

Comment Re:55% say they are Democrats (Score 0, Flamebait) 670

Is it a philosophical position against absolute truth?

Just remember that the last group of people who came across spouting "absolute truth" started burning people at the stake for witchcraft because they were born left-handed.

"Do you believe in god?"
*poof* dead.

"Do you believe in god?"
"Do you believe in MY god?"

*poof* dead.

"My god has a bigger dick than your god!"

Comment Hmmm ... (Score 2, Insightful) 55

I dunno. They seem to be painting themselves into a corner.

On the one hand, they can make it where no one can be a Jedi (and who wants to play Star Wars where you CANT be a Jedi?), or they can make it where you can play Jedi (and who wants to play those other classes when you can be a ZOMGuberJediNinjaGankingn00bs)

I forsee bad things happening with this game either way they go.

Comment Filesharing (Score 5, Interesting) 336

This is definitely the case for me. I'll download an mp3 or two, and if I like them, I'll go out and buy their album (normally directly from the band if Im able to), and go to their shows if they play locally, buy their merchandise, etc.

I've discovered a lot of great music from filesharing, that I wouldn't have been exposed to otherwise, and went on to buy their stuff.

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