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Comment Re:Just give them something? (Score 1) 1155

But everyone knows about True Crypt by now, so the judge will ask you for both passwords. Back to square 1.

No, because you now have plausable deniability. Which you don't have if you have a system with only one passowrd. There is a disk or file with just random-looking data on it and encryption software installed on your computer. That is overwhelming evidence that there are encrypted files around. So the defense "I forgot the password" is weak.

But if you have two encrypted partitions like TrueCrypt, you can just give them the key to the harmless one. And if they ask now for a second password you just can say "but I set it up only with one partition" and they have NO evidence to indicate that this is not the truth. And if they hold you in contempt or something you have a very strong case of "inquisitional practices". You already confessed the password but now they are not satisfied with that confession and want ANOTHER confession, putting thumb-screws on you? WITHOUT EVIDENCE? I can already see the headlines about "dark ages"...

Comment Re:"allows the user to remain in an unchanged stat (Score 1) 123

Think of the wonders the conductor of an orchestra can accomplish

Well, think about the magic that an orchestra really performs! Musicians are not reacting to the gestures of the conductor, they predict them so they can stay ahead... and in sync. This prediction capability won't come to computing devices for quite some time, I'll predict...

Comment Re:We have no energy problem per se... (Score 1) 635

The problem with high-voltage AC is that you have to dimension the insulation for the peak voltage, not the effective voltage. An AC line with effective 400kV has a peak voltage of about 560kV. Given that the power loss is proportional to the inverse square of the voltage this means that by switching from AC to DC the power loss can be halved. Given this huge advantage, the cost for the necessary high-power-switching-equipment at the end of the lines is negligible.

Furthermore, parasitic capacities limit high-voltage AC underground cables to about 70km. DC lines don't have that problem, which is why they are / will be used in the Desertec project and in offshore windparks.

Another problem of AC is the exact synchronisation of generators, otherwise the phase shift in the supplied current will lead to voltage fluctuations and can lead to the breakdown of the whole net. Again, DC doesn't have this problem.

While AC is the right choice for end usage, DC is clearly superior when it comes to high-power applications.

Comment We have no energy problem per se... (Score 1) 635

We have an energy DISTRIBUTION problem. The problem lies in moving the energy from where it's cheap (sunny areas for solar) to where it's needed (e.g. the cold north). So subsidizing solar isn't the whole solution unless you also start subsidizing enhancements to the electric grid. Like changing it from AC to DC to reduce energy loss.

Comment Re:Wikileaks.... (Score 1) 258

Can you provide a host that provides that for that much money?

Yes. :-) Have a look at (website only available in english, so I'm posting a google-translation link).

2GB Webspace, 2 MySQL databases, PHP 5, Python, Ruby, CGI-scripts, traffic-flatrate, EUR 15,- (USD 18,-) setup, EUR 3,50 (USD 4,34) per month.

Or: EUR 13 (USD 16) per month for a virtual linux server with unlimited traffic and 50GB diskspace.

And before you have to ask: I'm just a satisfied customer...

Comment Re:But who verified it was really her?! (Score 1) 248

If somebody kills the cat lady, there will be a real trial with a real judge.

Yes, but she will be dead. Too bad, she now cannot defend herself.

If somebody vandalizes her home, there will be a real trial with a real judge.

Yes, and she must suffer a loss in both money, time and happiness. But at least she has the opportunity to prove that she is innocent.

If somebody just calls her names on a street: tough luck, but she still can survive.

Yes, she probably will survive verbal violence. Maybe she will take her own life because she cannot stand the mobbing any more. But she will die with the good feeling that she is innocent.

There is a good reason why "supposed innocent until proven guilty" must not be an empty phrase...

I do not understand why with such evidence she was not tried in court? Does not China have laws against cruelty to animals?

Cannot answer that, but having laws against cruelty to animals and executing them are two widely different things. As examples from most so-called "civilized" countries show...

Comment Re:But who verified it was really her?! (Score 1) 248

The problem is that those "judges" remain anonymous. I concurr that 100 people stepping out and publically stating "My name ist such-and-such, I am fully convinced that this evidence is real, is not faked and thus the accused is guilty and I accept the full consequences if my judgement is wrong" would be superior to most jury-trials. But this doesn't happen, therefore that anonymous finger-pointing is wrong.

Comment But who verified it was really her?! (Score 5, Insightful) 248

While the public might be a good detective, it certainly is a bad judge. Given the current technology (need I say photoshop?) a picture or a video can be faked by e.g. a malicious stalker who is after destroying a persons reputation. Posting the results of such a witch hunt without the accused having the possibility to respond to the accusation and defend hirself violates a basic human right.

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