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Submission + - Codebreaker hailed for cryptologic success (dailymail.co.uk)

KingofSpades writes: The Mail online is praising the work of Dr. John Olson, a forensic linguist who was able to read a ciphered letter sent from inside his cell by a suspect. The letter contains "a strange sequence of numbers on the back". It took three days to read it completely, but I am sure that some poeple on Slashdot will crack it faster. Spoiler alert: those interested should directly jump to the scan, not reading anything else. Other reader will enjoy reading this piece.

Comment Becoming an adult (Score 2) 410

Another unintended side effect is that it makes people believe that such a "right" exists.
It doesn't. The sooner people understand it, the better. This problem should be solved through education, not by forcing other people to forget, which can't be done.
Don't treat people like children, let them become adults.

Comment Re:The answer is still keepass (Score 1) 339

True, especially if you always use the same login name, or it requires an email address for login and you've had the same email address since like forever.

I use spamgourmet as an email proxy for such websites (I recommend it!).
This means that you don't really need to track or remember all those emails. You just need to change the spamgourmet forward address when you change your primary email. The last time for me was 5 years ago or so...


Submission + - First European Soyuz launch sens Galileo in space (guardian.co.uk)

KingofSpades writes: A Russian Soyuz rocket launches from French Guiana carrying the first two satellites for Europe's Galileo global positioning system. Galileo is the first civilian such system. The free service will provide meter accuracy, while paying customers will be provided with centimeter accuarcy.

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