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Comment Re:Good publicity move (Score 1) 526

Are your purposely talking out of your ass?

Conventional weapons have largely met their match against fixed fortified positions.

Hardly, sir.

and this from 1994, 16 years ago, where our bunker buster cuts through 20 feet of reinforced concrete like butter.

Comment Re:Video (Score 1) 1671

I was trained to goto Iraq but never went. Every fucking person under the sun owns an AK-47. It's a machismo thing. It was beat into my brain that someone carrying an AK47 isn't an enemy combatant and is NOT a justification for engagement. It only escalates when they point it at you.

Comment Cat5e vs Cat6? (Score 1) 608

Many of the posts suggest to pullout the coax and rewire with cat5e. My question to the community is why not Cat6? When I bulit a small network in my house I concluded that ca6 is slightly better than cat5e, especially for gigabit speeds. If you're going to wire your house why not use cat6?

Comment Re:I call bullshit (Score 2, Insightful) 549

Yay. I'm with you on this one. At the moment Rep Alan Grayson is a champion of truth, justice, etc etc. All the qualities you'd actually LIKE to see in a congressional representative. So I was a bit surprised when I read the headline. Then I clicked the link and realized it went to Fox News has been trying to paint Rep. Grayson as a nutjob for a LONG time. He gets in the way of their agenda.

First line FTFA

My, my, my. Florida Rep. Alan Grayson wants to see one of his critics go directly to jail -- all over her use of the word "my."

A bit sensionalist don't ya think. I bet halfway through the article it talks about how he wants to kill babies and eat their brains. Well I chuckled, closed the link, and moved on.

Nothing to see here folks.

Comment Re:How is that sustainable? (Score 1) 453


Aw man! I'm so dumb!!! In 10 years of reading /. I never thought I'd be on the receiving end of a woosh. "I'm not one of those ultra nerds that doesn't get humor". I guess I can be.

In hindsight I can't believe I took the time to write an entire comment, edit it, and post it without realizing the sarcasm.

Yea that sonic boom you heard was the joke going over my head. :(

Comment Re:How is that sustainable? (Score 0) 453

Cool. Sounds good for any newly constructed neighborhood. Lets goto Las Vegas and put it into practice. Oh wait. The housing market crashed like the titanic. Ok so lets dig up existing neighborhoods and put a turbine on every block. I'm sure that won't be a hassle for the local residents and it certainly won't kill every bird in the area.

Sorry man wind power just isn't sustainable. You're better off investing in a technology that has realistic power yields (nuclear).

Comment Re:You're actually right (Score 1) 875

People are beginning to wonder why they can't have a good medical care system without massive government expenditures.

Yea, those silly Europeans and Canadians are literally knocking down the doors to get a health care system like ours. HA! Give me a break, what planet are you on?

America is the only 1st World country where filing for bankruptcies for unpaid medical expenses exists. Think about that.

Comment Re:LP? (Score 1) 306

OP is not trolling. I never ever ever listen to the radio, unless it's NPR (which I LOVE). I have my ipod permanently hooked up.

My wife listens to the radio any time she's in a car. Between all of her presets (which she is swtiching between constantly) I hear maybe a pool of about 20 different songs. If I'm in the car with her for more than an hour I'll usually hear the same song two or three times. And it's ALL the same annoying poppy paper cutter shit. It's disgusting and annoying! It drives me fucking nuts. I often can't stand it and have to turn the radio off.

So yea, OP is right. Radio stations fucking suck. If you want unoriginal copy pasta music spoon fed to you over and over and over until your ears fucking barf your brains out, sure go ahead and listen to the radio.

Comment Letter to your Senator (Score 1) 263

It never hurts.

Senator XXXXX,

Several fellow democratic Senators have introduced legislation titled the JUSTICE ACT. The JUSTICE ACT would introduce stronger safeguards and higher standards of judicial oversight for surveillance activity. It aims to reform the most abusive characteristics of the PATRIOT Act and would also roll back a controversial provision of the FISA Amendment Act that granted telecom companies retroactive immunity for their participation in the Bush administration's extralegal warrantless surveillance program.

The proposal is broadly endorsed by privacy advocates and civil liberties groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Senator Feingold says that the goal of the act is to ensure that surveillance and intelligence-gathering activities are properly empowered while guaranteeing that rights are respected and investigative privileges are not misused.

As a voting constituent I urge you to publicly display your support for this act. Give Senator Feingold a call at (202)-224-5323 and tell him you have his support. Please get in front of the camera and promote this bill.

There will be opposition from the right but we have the majority to make this happen. Please respond telling me whether you're FOR or AGAINST this act. If you're against please explain why. Thank you.

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