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Comment Re:attention to the polarised (Score 0) 286

relative free ride that those individuals get under the current sales tax system

I never liked this one, the argument that any tax that isn't progressive is inherently regressive. Rich people also get a relatively free ride on property taxes (or rent) if they chose to live in the similarly size homes of the less wealthy, they get a relatively free ride on luxury taxes if they live a modest lifestyle and a free ride on estate taxes if they spent their lives living paycheck to paycheck like plenty of people do. Why focus on sales taxes, why not start with the price of normal consumer good in general which seem heavily skewed in favor of people with more money.

For all I know it's more his argument than yours, but even for someone who would be lucky to be considered middle class I think it's unfair to complain about a flat tax on consumer goods that contains a multitude of exceptions for more essential items.

Comment Re:Iz you reals? (Score 1) 300

Yes, and $200 is completely arbitrary, as is require it to be a dual core, a choice that was never explained or justified for their system.

If they're going to compare it to a $300 system they should at least be fair to it. And better yet people shouldn't make a big deal about it every time someone combines readily available commodity hardware in completely un-new and unexciting ways.

Comment Is this news? (Score 0) 300

Did anyone else notice that they forgot to mention in their final summary the possibility of buying the pre-fab eMachine for $100 more then installing Ubuntu on it and having a system with:

Much better performance
Much smaller form factor
Wireless keyboard and mouse
1 year warranty
I also don't like the "higher transfer speed" was attributed to Ubuntu not to the eMachine running a 5400 drive vs. a 7200, or the face that building your own cheap computer and putting Linux on it is even news to begin with.

Comment Re:CYA (Score 3, Insightful) 330

What's more plausible, that an Iranian engineer went on a pilgrimage and was kidnapped, broke free and returned to Iran; or that he defected for $5 Million but but decided to return to his family and made up a politically acceptable cover story, given:

- "Extraordinary Rendition" victims who were released never found themselves in the U.S.
- the U.S. has shown itself fully willing to imprison people reliable without charge or trial
- the U.S. has shown itself willing to pay quite well for defectors in the past

If he were kidnapped he'd be rotting in Kyrgyzstan where laws on torture don't apply, not walking casually into a New York Embassy.

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