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Submission + - Town Turns Off the Lights to See the Stars

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "Stargazing skies all over the world all over the world are disappearing, as the sky above New York City is Class 9 on the Bortle ranking and American suburban skies are typically Class 5, 6, or 7. But some places are making an effort to preserve their skywatching heritage as Exmoor National Park was granted International Dark-Sky Reserve status in November and people in the Exmoor town of Dulverton were challenged to switch off their lights as part of the BBC's Stargazing Live, demonstrating that you don't need special equipment to see the stars more clearly, if you have a decent pair of binoculars. "The whole idea is to show that even a small town, which is still quite dark, can give off quite a lot of light," says astronomer Mark Thompson. The event in Dulverton gained a lot of support from local residents and businesses. "It needed a bit of organization to get everyone to say yes," says town mayor Chris Nelder. "We want people to just enjoy the night sky, to treasure the fact we have them and to look after them," adds Claire O'Connor from Exmoor National Park Authority."

Fake Apple Stores Mushrooming In China 241

siliconbits writes "A new worrying phenomenon has cropped up in China and Apple has been its first victim; meet the first fake Apple Stores, entire buildings that have been designed to look like the real ones. Chinese companies have long been known for being master copiers but this takes the concept of plagiarism and copying to a whole new level. As expected, everything, from the architecture of the building, the colour of the paint, to the products, the T-shirt worn by the staff down to the logo and the badge design come from Cupertino."

Submission + - Ultimate Christmas Lights (vimeo.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Most computerised Christmas Lights displays have in the 10s or 100s of channels. For our first-ever display, we decided to go all out and we built a 1,110 channel display using custom hardware and software running on Linux. Since it's now after Christmas, we have synchronised the lights to The Black Eyed Peas — I Gotta Feeling.

Submission + - Anonymous Attackers Not So Untraceable (thinq.co.uk)

Stoobalou writes: Researchers at the University of Twente are warning that the LOIC DDoS tool used by Anonymous is easily traceable.

The tool of choice in the ongoing pro-WikiLeaks DDoS attacks by digital vigilante group Anonymous may leave its users open to prosecution, failing as it does to adequately protect their identity.

That's the claim of the Design and Analysis of Communication Systems Group at the University of Twente, which recently released a report into the Low-Orbit Ion Cannon, or LOIC, distributed denial of service tool favoured by Anonymous for attacking corporate websites by which it feels aggrieved.

In the report, the researchers claim that "even though the group behind the attacks claims to be anonymous, the tools they provide do not offer any security services, such as anonymisation. As a consequence, a hacktivist that volunteers to take part in such attacks, can be traced back easily" — and that means a possible prosecution under local computer crime laws.


Submission + - LHC prepares marathon Higgs hunt (nature.com) 1

gbrumfiel writes: Physicists at the Large Hadron Collider are preparing to run the collider until the end of 2012 in the hopes of finding the Higgs particle, part of the mechanism that endows other particles with mass. The machine was originally supposed to stop in 2011 for a year long upgrade, but scientists now think they can find the Higgs if they run for longer. “If we stop the machine with 3,000 people apiece in the experiments waiting for data, there is no way we could get home at night without having slashed tyres on our cars," says Sergio Bertolucci, CERN's director for research and computing.

The Binary Code In Canada's Gov-Gen Coat of Arms 486

Lev13than writes "Dr. David Johnston, formerly the president of the University of Waterloo, was installed as Canada's new Governor-General on Friday. As de facto head of state and the Queen's representative in Canada he is required to design a personal coat of arms. One modern detail has attracted particular attention - a 33-digit palindromic binary stream at the base. Efforts to decode the meaning of the number using ASCII, Morse, grouping by 3/11 and other theories has so far come up empty (right now it's a toss up between random, the phone number 683-077-0643 and Morse code for 'send help - trapped in a coat of arms factory.') Is 110010111001001010100100111010011 the combination to his luggage, or just a random stream of digits?"

Comment Re:Oncoming Traffic Re:For serious? (Score 1) 699

Actually I was thinking of vegetation or something else that would make walking there unconfortable and/or difficult. Most roads around here don't have 3 meter tall brick walls flanking the lanes... And the effing summary has the word "rural" describing the road... But hey, just stand there waiting for the hit if that suits your joke. BTW, I did find it funny. I just think that facing traffic _and_ being alert can save your life.

Comment Re:Oncoming Traffic Re:For serious? (Score 1) 699

and that there's very little a pedestrian can do, but that argument is a wash.

I guess I always walk facing traffic because at least that way, if I get creamed by a semi, I'll get to take one last big shit before I die.

What about, errr... jumping out of the way? Or maybe take a preventive step to the side if you're not sure the driver has seen you?


Firefox To Replace Menus With Office Ribbon 1124

Barence writes "Mozilla has announced that its plans to bring Office 2007's Ribbon interface to Firefox, as it looks to tidy up its 'dated' browser. 'Starting with Vista, and continuing with Windows 7, the menu bar is going away,' notes Mozilla in its plans for revamping the Firefox user interface. '[It will] be replaced with things like the Windows Explorer contextual strip, or the Office Ribbon, [which is] now in Paint and WordPad, too.' The change will also bring Windows' Aero Glass effects to the browser." Update: 09/24 05:01 GMT by T : It's not quite so simple, says Alexander Limi, who works on the Firefox user experience. "We are not putting the Ribbon UI on Firefox. The article PCpro quotes talks about Windows applications in general, not Firefox." So while the currently proposed direction for Firefox 3.7 involves some substantial visual updates for Windows users (including a menu bar hidden by default, and integration of Aero-styled visual elements), it's not actually a ribbon interface. Limi notes, too, that Linux and Mac versions are unaffected by the change.
Data Storage

Amazon's Cloud Data Center To Follow Google To Oregon 84

1sockchuck writes "All your online data doesn't really live in a big, fluffy cloud. It resides in servers and data centers. That's why Amazon.com is quietly building a large data center complex in Oregon along the Columbia River, not far from Google's secret data lair in The Dalles. Amazon Web Services started as a way to monetize excess data center capacity for its retail operation, but has grown to the point where it requires dedicated infrastructure. Amazon recently said that its S3 cloud storage service is hosting 29 billion objects."

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