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Submission + - New 125 Miles per Gallon Toyota Prius

Iddo Genuth writes: "The Pennsylvania based Lithium Technology Corporation recently demonstrated a new type of "plug-in" Toyota Prius hybrid car. The new model is based on advanced lithium iron phosphate battery which allows the hybrid car to travel up to a distance of 125 miles per gallon of fuel — making it possibly the most efficient mass-produced car in the world."

Submission + - Dying of plastic overdose in the Pacific?

Noryungi writes: "This amazing, and scary, article talks about the discovery of a zone of the Pacific Ocean — twice the size of Texas — that is dying because of the plastic brought there by the current. Since this particular area is also a high pressure zone, plastic stays trapped and slowly poison all forms of life. The pictures are scary as heck."

Submission + - Ask.com does serious revamp of search engine.

nmk writes: "Ask.com has done a complete overhaul of their search engine interface. The new results page is devided into three colums. The left column allows you to narrow or expand your search by providing relevant criteria. The center colum provides traditional search results, while the right columg gives context specific media results (pictures, videos, blogs, news, time, weather). The results column also allows you to see a thumbnail of each page and also save your favorite search results. There are a number of other advanced featuers that become evident when the new engine is used. This seems to be a far more advanced interface than what is provided by Google. Do you think it will be enough to convince a substantial number of people to evaluate Ask as an alternative to Google."

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How many QA engineers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 3: 1 to screw it in and 2 to say "I told you so" when it doesn't work.
