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Comment Re:How about a Monster.com for the non-degreed? (Score 1) 728

Not a sociopath, no.

Just an entrepreneur who has gone above and beyond the call of duty for the people I like, and has the option to give a big middle finger to those I don't like.

Freedom is a beautiful thing. It lets like-minded people congregate with like-minded people.

And the surprise to many of the entitled-progressive bunch is how many people are like me but afraid to talk about it. When those people discover that I am unafraid to give witness to how I live my life, they flock to what I have to offer.

Comment Re:How about a Monster.com for the non-degreed? (Score 1) 728

Turning away customers has always been good for me. I've been in the consulting, communications, retail and services industries since 1987. And we turn people away weekly.

They go and bitch to their friends and family, or yell to high heaven on Yelp, but it hasn't changed the fact that for every 5 people who get angry that we denied them, we get 5 more who are just ecstatic that we have that policy.

I booted someone out of one of my businesses today. Gave her some business cards of our competitors and told her "don't let the door hit you on the way out."

Because we do fine work, and we don't want to do that work with people who we disagree with.

If more business owners would adopt the attitude that we are customers buy cash from cash-sellers, we would slowly put a stop to this "customer first" entitlement mentality.

Both parties in any transaction are sellers, and both parties are buyers.

Comment Re:How about a Monster.com for the non-degreed? (Score 1) 728

Yes, I routinely turn away customers.

I am proud of the product we provide, the price we aim for, and the overall quality of the people I've hired.

In the 25 years I've been running businesses (since back in the BBS days), I've had this attitude. It's my product. I am buying your money with my product. For my payment in services, I am expecting cash-sellers who have a good attitude and aren't part of the every-growing sissy-entitled mentality that has taken over the average Joe in this country.

I don't care if you don't like me. Some of my regular customers actually hate me (and have told me so), but they're willing to shut their traps about their political ideologies because I run damn fine businesses.

Comment Re:How about a Monster.com for the non-degreed? (Score 1) 728

And what's wrong with that?

The entitlement mentality for those with college degrees in almost every field is astounding. Completely jaw-dropping in some cases.

Other than STEM fields, I can't imagine what a college degree will bring to a person's ability to make a happy customer and a profitable company.

All of my businesses are those where degrees have replaced internships and mentorship programs. Most of my top earning employees have moved on to other companies -- companies that didn't even consider their lack of a degree because they had actual job skills earned by working for me and learning from my people.

I look at all my friends who have graphic design degrees but can't design. I look at friends with business degrees but they can't run a business. Administrative assistants who went to college? For what, to answer the phone, manage customers and file paperwork? For real?

Even in accounting there is much more to be learned on-the-job than in any 4 year program.

Fuck if I care -- 90% of my client base is non-degreed. 90%. And the 10% who are degreed? They can barely afford our services across the board, usually due to their debt burden.

Comment How about a Monster.com for the non-degreed? (Score 2, Interesting) 728

I own businesses in the Midwest and South Florida. When I post a job listing (usually through Craigslist), I specifically request people with no degree apply.

In the past 9 years, 100% of people I've hired were undegreed. These were the people I wanted, because they specifically weren't indoctrinated into the college mentality. I want self-starters, people I can later on invite to become a business partner. I also don't want political correctness, feminism or any of the other progressive mindsets in any of my businesses. Those people can hit the road -- I don't even want them as customers.

I also hate having employees with major debt.

I pay better than average wages, and I purposely look through applications for the non-degreed folks.

I'd love to see a job search website that focuses on people bright enough to skip 4 years of college and just hit the employment roles.

Of course, I don't have HR departments, I would never hire an MBA, and I go out of my way to work with the millions of entrepreneurs out there who also didn't go to college but are earning bank.

Maybe with luck society will separate into two groups: the politically correct nauseated degreed folks and the self-driven and determined entrepreneurial type.

Comment Re:What it needs is some beef (Score 1) 152

As one AC already pointed out, you should check out Ceph (full disclaimer: I work for Inktank now, the consulting services company that employs most of the core Ceph devs). Ceph is, at its heart a Distributed Object store, but we allow you to access in a number of different ways:
  • * Native API
  • * Via a RESTful interface that can handle native Amazon S3 and Swift API calls
  • * As a thinly provisioned block device
  • * Mount it as a POSIX-compliant file system via CephFS (although this is a bit rough for production environments just yet)

Josh Durgin has actually done some really interesting work in using the block device (RBD) to back Cinder which you can read a bit about here.

The cool part about Ceph is it was designed to be massively scalable (petabytes and beyond) and extremely fault tolerant / HA / etc. DreamHost actually just built out a huge production deployment of Ceph and OpenStack for their new DreamCompute / DreamObjects offering. If you have questions feel free to hit up the #Ceph irc channel at irc.oftc.net or poke me via email (my UN at inktank.com) and I'll see if I can't find the right person to help.

OpenStack really has some awesome potential, and we're excited about poking at it more with our semi-sharp Ceph-stick. Good luck.

Comment No chance of ruining the species... (Score 1, Flamebait) 1034

...recent Western culture has shown that a higher percentage of men have become fathers in the past few generations than before that.

As more and more males become adjusted to the instant high of popular culture, we'll just return to the times when a tinier percentage of men were having all the babies.

Marriage is already on a decline, in some races good husbands are hard to find so women have more biracial babies, and the powerful men won't stop spreading their seed.

Does it matter to me if the weak male class doesn't have kids? Hell no -- and they make good employees, too. Maybe better ones.


Submission + - Intel and Micron Unveil 128Gb 20nm NAND Flash (arstechnica.com)

ScuttleMonkey writes: "A joint venture between Intel and Micron has given rise to a new 128Gb die. While production wont start until next year and distribution mostly likely not until 2013, this little beauty sets new bars for capacity, speed, and endurance. "Die shrinks also tend to reduce endurance, with old 65 m MLC flash being rated at 5,000-10,000 erase cycles, but that number dropping to 3,000-5,000 for 25nm MLC flash. However, IMFT is claiming that the shrink to 20nm has not caused any corresponding reduction in endurance. Its 20nm flash uses a Hi-K/metal gate design which allows it to make transistors that are smaller but no less robust. IMFT is claiming that this use of Hi-K/metal gate is a first for NAND flash production.""

Comment the nook has always done it. (Score 1) 150

I have two B&N nooks, and I've always been able to share any of the books I buy with friends.

There's a limitation (8 weeks or something), and you can't loan the same book to the same friend twice.

I can also "check out" books from my local library via their website, and I've done that before trips where I won't have good Internet coverage.

How does B&N get away with being able to do it, but Amazon can't?

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