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Comment Internet Explorer? What's that? (Score 1) 153

I can't remember the last time I used IE(some version), seriously...I can't...must be like 8-10 years ago, or the numerous times I used a Windows computer...tried to follow an e-mail link that wanted me to use IE....when I denied it...just wanted to fire up my FireFox, so many times MS tried to force me to use IE, and I always ignored it because it never gave me what I want in the first place. Good riddance. RIP IE.

Comment Half Life anyone? (Score 4, Insightful) 169

Anyone who remembers Half Life would probably understand the importance of a story within a game.

Before Half Life, I played 2D console games like Pac-Man, Asteroids, Space-Invaders and other today classics, followed by 3D games like Wolfenstein, DOOM, The QUAKE series etc... no one of them had any decent stories IMHO. Then Half Life came along, it was a milestone in video gaming. Video games and actual VIDEO now merged into one, and games never felt this immerse and exciting. I remember literally jumping in my chair when the onslaught of surprises came to life in that game.

When introduced as a worker in the Black Mesa research facility - I actually FELT like I was really working there, just to face a day out of the ordinary. We could walk around and "sort of" talk to people, and it felt ...real somehow. I wish games where that awesome, but somehow...the sequels plus a lot of other games have failed to pick up where Half Life left of, but I personally feel THIS IS THE WAY TO GO!

Comment It's just a matter of time... (Score 2) 59

...before you see Google Glasses copies with Android from China, it won't look like your average Google glasses - but it will resemble those spy-glasses (video recorders) you can purchase already on eBay. I have several of these toys myself, and I'm amazed how high quality they are (not the eye-wear itself, they reek of cheap plastic, but hey...they're cheap!).

Comment Here is some information you may want to know (Score 4, Informative) 180

It's a great idea, I'll accept that, it's also not new - this has existed in some commercial form one way or the other (various calculators could communicate images & chat freely via the airwaves, Nintendo DS could also seek players within a certain range to do some picto-chatting or game with each other). Radio Amateurs have done this since the 80s, me too... I did it with a Commodore 64 + a home made 1-transistor modem and a walkie talkie, worked like a charm, but hey...it's good to see the kids of today doing something else than chatting on the internet.

1). You may want to check with the laws of your country, transmitting on most bands are illegal and could potentially disturb or disrupt ambulance communication, police or other important communications. Becoming a licensed Radio Amateur the legal way, is a good step in the right direction.

2). There are existing options you can use to chat & send files via radio today, Ham Radio enthusiasts knows all about this, visit your local (ARRL or equal ham-radio club in your neck of the woods).

3). If you want to chat worldwide, you could get a shortwave radio - or satellite antenna with the appropriate transceiver and a packet modem, with this - you can chat digitally, send pictures, send files as long as you have a radio amateur license to do so. Basically you need this to operate on the bands, in most countries you can listen in on radio amateurs communicating via packet-radio without a license, but you DO NEED A LICENSE TO TRANSMIT.

There are many more things you can do, there are a lot of commercially available radios, digital radios and much more. And none of them require the internet.

Comment And yet birds die in it... (Score 5, Interesting) 332

...all the time. It's all psychology, it's human urine - therefor it is oh so terrible. Think of all the bird-droppings, huge flocks of birds flying by...doing their thing. They carry far more diseases with them than we dare to even think of, never-mind mention in the news. But human urine? Yuck ;)

Comment Re:You don't hear about the failures (Score 1) 390

Nice, I'm a big fan of Benjamin Franklin. His picture hangs framed in gold, on my wall amongst the others, Einstein, Tesla, Faraday, Edison, Newton, Mandelbrot, Curie, Turing, Farnsworth, Planck, Disney (yes! Walt!), Roentgen, Morse and so many more, but they are the well known ones, the most interesting ones - are those people we never hear about...

Comment You don't hear about the failures (Score 5, Insightful) 390

...because no one wants to tell you about those, of course not - who wants to admit they didn't make it after all of those hardships?

I took an education in Animation, very VERY expensive, cost me a HUGE fortune (which I took up a loan for, and worked in a computer store to pay off), did I end up working for Disney? No. Despite winning TWO FILM AWARDS - I still didn't get a job with Pixar or the likes, why? Did I suck? No - I just didn't have the right connections, and I didn't even understand how important it is to have the right connections, and NOT to piss off the wrong people.

I spent the next 10 years paying of my study debts, I'm finally free. But I don't regret anything, if I didn't do it - I'd spend the rest of my life wondering how things would have turned out if I did it, if I really just took the plunge and went for it. Well - I did...and it didn't turn out as I expect it.

But you know what? Everything you learn in life - you'll eventually get some use out of, I use my former education to work in advertising, using my animation skills in a technical sense, earning my living that way. Nothing is ever 100% black & white.

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