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Comment Re:Also... (Score 0) 433

Versions X and Y of a DLL will be flat-out incompatible if that DLL is written in C++ and the author has changed the number of attributes in an interface class ....

Why would any developer do that? Why not create a new class with the added bits, and make the old class use the new one, passing in default values for the additions. That is backwards compatibility.

And the fact that Microsoft is so good at preserving application backward compatibility

Not for 3rd-party application code (which is nothing to do with them), but for the Windows OS code used by applications. And, from what I've heard, a lot of the "difficulties" here have been because Microsoft has lots of undocumented calls (so that MS products can do things that others "can't") which then non-MS applications start to use in other ways. If MS did have a fully-documented OS interface there might be fewer "poor practices". So it's self-inflicted, I fear.

Comment Don't use file system directly (Score 0) 569

Your biggest problem isn't filesystem compatibility, but id compatibility. For transfer between system I don't control I use tar files onto fat32, then extract at the other end. Or zip files if I think a non-standard based system such as MS Windows might be involved. For ones I do control, they are all Linux, so ext3. And I have the same uid/gid across them (so I use the same one at home (and teh same account name) as I have been allocated at work.

Comment Re:Firefox will continue to be superior (Score 0) 662

http://ieaddons.com/ [ieaddons.com]

They all seem to be about fetching content - not about adding functionality. The only extension I have ever used on IE is iehttpheaders, and it doesn't get a mention. Can anyone create extensions to be added here, or would you have to pay Microsoft to host it?

Comment Re:Hello... Evolution? (Score 0) 1115

"Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy debate is so important, and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both."

OK - but not in the Science class. Politics, Religion or Sociology classes would be OK. Presumably she is equally keen for Atheism, Druidism and Witchcraft to be taught? Oh, no - wait - she's in the US, so you have to keep religion out of school.

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