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Submission + - Sony BMG Greece Hit By Hacker (computerworld.com)

Batblue writes: "For the fourth time in about a month, hackers have broken into a Sony network. In the latest intrusion, hackers hit the website of Sony BMG in Greece and pilfered a database containing the usernames, real names and email addresses of people who had registered with the site, according to security firm Sophos.

The stolen data was passed on to Hacker News, which posted a copy of it on PasteBin.com, Sophos said. Chester Wisniewski, senior security adviser at Sophos, today said that the intrusion was made possible by a SQL injection flaw that allowed the intruders to inject malicious code into the Greek Sony BMG site.

According to Wisniewski, the attacker appears to have used an automated SQL injection tool that searched for vulnerabilities in the site. "This looks like it was an old-school hacking," Wisniewski said. "It surprised me that Sony missed this one, considering how easy it was to find. This was not sophisticated at all.""

Comment Re:Please! We got you beat easily (Score 2) 403

While I realize you were not serious; I was curious what the real numbers were among Congresspersons. I expected 99 Lawyers and a paralegal. ;-)

There are a lot of lawyers to be sure, but fewer than I expected.

For the record, there are 435 Representatives and 100 Senators in Congress.

From Wikipedia:

The Congressional Research Service notes that the vast majority of Members (95 percent) had an academic degree:

168 Representatives and 57 Senators have a law degree. Of these, five (Representative and two Senators) also hold a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree.

83 Representatives and 16 Senators earned a master's degree -- often a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) - as their highest educational degree

27 Representatives and one Senator (Mark Begich) have no educational degree beyond a high school diploma.

23 Representatives (but no Senators) have a Ph.D

17 Representatives and three Senators have a medical degree (this number includes one Senator with a veterinary medicine degree and one Representative with a dental degree).

Five Representatives (but no Senators) have an associate's degree as their highest degree. One House Member has a licensed practical nurse (L.P.N.) degree


Comment Re:Even more strange (Score 1) 628

> But for some reason it's his job that would be classified as "blue collar" and "low-skill". I have to disagree with that. Blue-collar, yes. But tool and die makers are extremely skilled individuals. I worked in a machine shop back in the 1980s and the tool makers were well-respected and at the top of the pecking order in the shop (which was fairly large.) They were the blue-collar equivalent I guess of sys admins, bordering on BOFH status. They were catered to, and the other less-skilled machinists kowtowed to them. They were also the highest-paid in the shop.

Wine 1.2 Released 427

David Gerard writes "Stuck with that one Windows app you can't get rid of? Rejoice — Wine 1.2 is officially released! Apart from running pretty much any Windows application on Unix better than 1.0 (from 2008), major new features include 64-bit support, bi-directional text, and translation into thirty languages. And, of course, DirectX 9 is well-supported and DirectX 10 is getting better. Packages should hit the distros over the weekend, or you can get the source now."

Comment Re:Reason #3 Your Nation Will Stay A Backwater (Score 1) 371

I believe it also included a lot of intelligent design controversy. See here and here for example. From the NY Times article: "After facing months of protest, conservative members of the Texas Board of Education were expected Thursday night to vote to teach schoolchildren a version of American history that emphasizes the roles of capitalist enterprise, the military, Christianity and modern Republican political figures. "

Comment Re:A good criticism, but... (Score 2, Interesting) 572

> Where would we be if you had to use a restricted format to read normal web pages? Oh, absolutely; I agree. I'm not a video expert; I was told the quality of the Ogg Theora video paled in comparison to H.264, which is why I mentioned that comparison. I feel like "Open/Free vs Proprietary" sometimes means "Pretty Good vs Very Good." And sometimes "Pretty Good" isn't good enough.

Comment A good criticism, but... (Score 5, Interesting) 572

I RTFA, and I think it's the most well-thought-out criticism of Jobs' anti-Flash editorial I've seen so far The author maintains "the way out of the Adobe vs. Apple cage match is straightforward, and exists already: free software operating systems like GNU/Linux with free software Web browsers, supporting free media formats like Ogg Theora" and later concludes, "So, the correct decision in the dispute between Apple and Adobe is "none of the above." The past we need to leave behind is not just Flash, it's Apple's proprietary software as well." I agree with that in principle. I guess where I get stuck is, I do like OS/X. I like it a lot better than Linux. I'm not involved in cutting video but I work with someone who is, and they tell me they like H.264 a lot better than Ogg Theora. So...am I part of the problem? Is the Free Software movement not up to the task of competing with proprietary software? I feel like the trade-off I'm currently making with OS/X is acceptable -- for now. I don't see myself buying an iPhone (or iPad) anytime soon, but neither do I see myself getting rid of my iMac.

Comment Re:Copyright laws. (Score 1) 436

While I also agree with the GP poster, I'm not sure that downloading decreases value. It might actually increase value from increased mind share of the downloaded item. I might be more likely to go to a concert of a group whose music I've downloaded, for example. At least, I'll be more inclined to discuss the group with my friends, or purchase a future album.

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