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Comment Re:Biggest legal issue, IMO (Score 1) 741

Please do not use the "think of the children" defense. It is as bad as the "think of the terrorists" excuse they are using.

I am of legal age. I do not want to be felt up by a stranger. That should be enough to NOT do it. No need to use children as an excuse to stop something that is bad.

As parents my wife and I refuse to fly at the moment while these issues are being resolved. My two year old does not need exposed to xrays from these scanning machines and he does not need to be groped and violated because he might be a two year old terrorist. As adults my wife and I are more than comfortable slapping the hands or pushing away a TSA agent who violates our personal space (and deal with the consequences) but our son is not capable of making that decision and as his parents (his advocates) we're opting to make it for him by not flying.

So yes I am thinking of my son first and my wife and I's comfort come in second. You are not a parent apparently and if you were you would be in agreement that we need to think of our children.

Comment Re:Programming (Score 1) 799

My first low-entry-barrier BASIC program was in QBasic. I wrote a war-dialer (hey, I was 11 and had just discovered my first BBS and wondered what else was out there).

Logged connectable devices to a txt file, came back in the morning with my mum pissed as hell at me for tying up the phone all night and part of the morning. Didn't discover a lot, oh well. It was fun, taught me some stuff.


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