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Comment Re:What I'd do (Score 1) 223

tell the higher ups that you refuse to work on a project that pointless and wrong because of what it'll do to your career

I guarantee that if you go into your boss and refuse to do work you'll get fired for insubordination. In addition, bringing up your "career" is bound to send a pretty strong signal to your boss that you don't plan on working there very far into the future. If the place sucks to work at, polish your resume/CV and start making yourself known to other companies. Don't sabotage yourself by pissing off your boss, thus ensuring a negative reference from your previous employer.

Comment Hmm.... (Score 1) 99

This would seem like one of those ideas that was great on the drawing board but horrible in real life. I just wait for the first doctor performing a surgery/procedure with this to say "Ah, hell, it just went into his brain". If they were to use these for clearing arteries (i.e. high pressure) it wouldn't take much of a disturbance in the controlling magnetic field for it to slip away into someone's brain. As for me, I'll stick with good old catheter operations (you know, if I ever have a heart condition).

Comment Don't use HTML (Score 3, Informative) 338

You wouldn't want to use HTML for something like this, especially with newer versions of HTML. There has been a steady transition in HTML away from specification of the aesthetic appearance of a page. For this reason tags like <font> and <center> are considered nonstandard anymore, mostly because CSS does a way better (and cleaner) job of it.

Comment Re:Hell yeah (Score 1) 890

I agree, now when are the other organized religions going to be outlawed?

Just as soon as congress decides to throw out the first amendment. I'm sorry that it bothers you that some people have more a sense of purpose in life than eat, procreate, and make money. Just because one nut job sets up a get rich scheme and calls it a church doesn't mean that all of religion is a defunct system.

Comment Re:What happens if the Data Center shuts down? (Score 4, Informative) 204

Well, obviously this isn't going to be the primary source of heat for most of the homes involved. I would imagine that all of the homes that will be affected already have some sort of heating (e.g. furnace, base board heaters, etc). These people won't be completely freed from a monthly gas/electric heating bill, but I would imagine it will save them a pretty penny in the colder months. Really, this makes a whole lot of sense. I've had computers confined in a cabinet under a desk that ran so hot that the BIOS would shut down the computer if you didn't leave the cabinet door cracked. Granted, that was back in the P4 days (although I imagine the newer multi-core CPU's crank out their fair share of extra heating). That, and my laptop is currently acting as a rather nice heater for my lap.

Comment Re:hit them back (Score 4, Insightful) 380

Sounds to me like they're a struggling company with a less than marketable product. Add into that the ease of copying a product from them, and you're left with a company that's hardly pertinent in a a ruthless economy. So their solution? Turn into the bottom feeders of the economy, suing anything they lay eyes on. I personally hope this guy sues this company for everything they're worth, and maybe he'll rid the world of another copyright infringement shark.

Comment Seriously, tears freezing? (Score 1) 553

From TFA:

It's nine degrees Fahrenheit in Moscow right now. That's the kind of cold that makes a man concentrate on his work so he can keep from remembering that the tears the wind blows out of his eyes will freeze on the side of his face before they hit the ground.

I've walked to campus several times at 9 Fahrenheit or lower and have yet to see tears (or spit) freeze before they hit the ground.

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