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Submission + - How Does One Combat Spam?

An anonymous reader writes: Hey Slashdot crowd, I was curious if anyone has any suggestions on offensively dealing with spam. For a couple years I've been fairly lucky — I haven't really been smacked with spam, maybe one spam e-mail a day or so — but recently I've been getting up to 50 junk e-mails per day on most of my addresses. I don't want to change my e-mail address nor my personal domain because of these idiots, so that's out of the question. My e-mail client does a decent job of cleaning it up and putting it in the Junk mail folder, but are there any offensive measures you guys take against a spammer?

Is there any organization or some sort of united front where I may send my junk e-mail to so it can be analyzed or dealt with? Really, anything at all that can be done so I feel like I'm making a difference instead of just bending over and taking it?

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