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Comment NEdit is a must! (Score 1) 1131

My favorite editor is NEdit.(
Nothing compares to NEdit working with block selections: it has quick mouse bindings for that and you work with a block no matter if it has tabs or spaces- it keeps doing the math while you drag the block through your file (copy & paste is also done smartly).You can format your code at your wish quickly.
NEdit macros are very powerful, including the ability to use Unix commands for filtering purposes. Block selections may be used as input/output targets, so you can streamline repetitive operations easily. Heh, I even use it as a spreadcell (thanks to awk).
The only thing I dislike, as 2009, is the Motif toolkit it uses. I've compiled it with the latest Motif and I get antialiased fonts for all the widgets except for the editor window. I hope it keeps developed to the extent to use antialiased fonts for the text editor..

Comment Re:Calm water (Score 4, Interesting) 234

AFAIK, no: the tension surface forces are only strong when the surface is in almost steady state.
I've forgotten most of these issues, but I recall solving tension surface problems, and there was a condition which meant almost steady state. The idea is that when the surface is in motion, convection and pressure terms become dominant over surface tension (the pressure gradients generated by convection are much larger than the pressure gradient due to surface tension).

Comment Re:Is it the Red October? (Score 4, Insightful) 234

If I recall correctly, surface tension forces only count to steady state (low velocity motions). Thus, this thing (the story one) only will work at moderate speeds (look at the video: there are no waves in the surface because of the low velocity motion, also means high efficiency). What you propose would generate strong motions, which would kill the tension surface forces.

Comment Re:what does it DO? (Score 1) 115

Does anyone know if that applies to the proprietary Linux drivers?

Proprietary Linux drivers do CUDA, don't they? If I'm not wrong, NVidia proprietary Linux drivers do not lack of any features .... why should they lack now?

Comment Re:Oh, get over yourself (Score 3, Insightful) 556

This kid is interested in being with her dad. It is hard to keep up being with your childhood because we adults are very busy, and children always will be willing to playing with you.
So... my point is, go buy an eee for yourself if your really wish it, and share your time with your son/daughter. Since one of the things you can do is playing a bit with the machine, go on.
Perhaps the real question is "How can I convince my wife to let me buy yet another gadget?"

Comment Re:Evolution (Score 4, Funny) 990

Neanderthals smarter approach to Evolution:
1) Extinct. Seems a bad move but:
2) Wait for Sapiens clone them up."If they extincted, they cannot be smart"
3) Rule the world! Muhahhahha

I guess xkcd could make a comic with this script.

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