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Comment Re:Anonymous Coward to FTC: (Score 1) 76

Well, what Microsoft is saying here is that FTC might not know how long the data needs to kept for things to work.

If this is the case, the software is completely broken and need to be redesigned or scraped.

Besides from a user point of view Microsoft does not provide any services where where storing of privacy data are needed at all(Apply to Google too). Obviously this does not include a regular customer database, as this is not what the FCC discuss in this case and such databases have already some regulation in place. What FCC discuss in this case is user profiling/spying.

Comment Re:Flamebait, not (Score 3, Informative) 374

Uhm, no. That is not correct RTFA. As it is, the Banshee developers elected to disable the store by default, preferring it to Canonicals split deal. The Banshee developers decided that requiring the users to manually activate the store, but giving GNOME a 100% cut was preferable. Canonical asked the developers to choose from 2 options, but when their choice was not what Canonical wanted they simply did the opposite anyway.

Comment Re:Arduino programming language (Score 2) 224

Lots of interesting stuff out there in the world of micro-controllers, and now lot of it get available at reasonable prices. Not only as those dreaded $999 development kits.

If you look for something more powerful the STM32VLDISCOVERY, is a nice alternative at about $10. You get a modern and powerful ARM Coretex M3 with 128 KB Flash and 8 KB RAM. With lots of nice peripherals included.

Comment Re:Sold Stolen Property to Highest Bidder (Score 1) 404

The owner then has 90 days to claim the property. Id. 2080.2. If the true owner fails to do so and the property is worth more than $250, then the police publish a notice, and 7 days after that ownership of the property vests in the person who found it,

Funny thing is, that if he had done that and delivered the phone to a local police station. It would more likely than not have been tossed into a lost and found bin, and become legally his after those 90 days. The phone was already disabled and contained no owner name, and barring the police officer receiving it being a hardcore Apple fan identifying it as a prototype, there was no obvious way to identify the owner. It would be handled like any other found phone, the police registering it and logging the name of the person turning it in. They would not care or bother with any further investigation as they have much more important task to handle. Combined with Apples taste for secrecy, it's not likely they would send people to surrounding police stations asking for the phone.

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 853

Seriously, how does this further harm the guy who lost it

Depend on Apples reaction on him loosing the device in the first place, but it's fairly likely he does not work there anymore. Then it's rather harmful.

Not too cool trying to get a new job known as the guy who lost a secret prototype of his former employers in a bar. Not exactly something to highlight on your resume.

Comment Re:Can I put my taskbar at top now? (Score 1) 368

You don't have to interact with Plasma all the time. You can have a old fashioned desktop and a taskbar/panel, and not be bothered with widgets and Plasma stuff.(Technically both the desktop and taskbar/panel are Plasma widgets, but that's really only a implementation detail you don't have to bother with).

First set your desktop containment(activity) to be a FolderView rather than Desktop(Desktop Settings->Appearance). Then select lock widgets.

You now have a plain regular desktop where you can put documents, no decoration pop up around widgets and the configuration button in the lower right corner is gone laving the space free for you and fits law.

Police Called Over 11-Year-Old's Science Project 687

garg0yle writes "Police in San Diego were called to investigate an 11-year-old's science project, consisting of 'a motion detector made out of an empty Gatorade bottle and some electronics,' after the vice-principal came to the conclusion that it was a bomb. Charges aren't being laid against the youth, but it's being recommended that he and his family 'get counseling.' Apparently, the student violated school policies — I'm assuming these are policies against having any kind of independent thought?"

Comment Re:1.7 lbs is heavy (Score 1) 97

The weight is not a problem, it's not really something you are going to carry around like a phone. As you say, it weight slightly less than your netbook which is a device with some of the same use cases. A pad like this will be a more stationary device, used for leisure net-surfing and light reading. The people behind the Crunch-pad had the right idea, coach computing. The main use for such a device will be in living room chairs or sofas, flipping trough web pages. For such use the keyboard and mouse/trackpad solutions on laptops/netbooks are just in the way, a good sized touch device will be much more usable. The biggest problem on this device will be the screen, it's on the small side with it's 10". A 11-12" would be a better fit. And it does not have a very good resolution either.

Comment Re:I don't see any difference between software... (Score 1) 123

Of course, building/prototyping hardware CAN be more expensive, but thinking of software development as "cheap" just because you can get a PC for ~$200 - yeah, well, no... not really.

You got it, building and prototyping hardware is more expensive period. Software development will always be cheaper on matching complexity levels. Even disregarding the ~$200 PC, going for a ~$1000 and adding a ~$50000 for development tools, you will still always come out ahead with SW development. Decent tools for hardware development does not come cheap, and considering the free tools for sw development its easier to cut cost there.

And after the initial investment, you only burn man hours with sw development. The compile-debug-compile cycles only cost time, where in hardware development each successive round of prototypes add the cost of parts and production. Not to mention the delay after the prototype design is finished until you get the produced part. If you think a 20min compile time is bad, try waiting one to eight weeks for your prototype before you can start testing and debugging it.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 207

The "finally" is a bit strong, since it has been there for a while.

Using zypper dup worked flawlessly upgrading my 11.0 installs to 11.1. So I'll say you are at least one release to late with that one.

KDE Founder Receives Highest German Honor 142

Jiilik Oiolosse writes "KDE founder Matthias Ettrich was decorated today with the German Federal Cross of Merit for his contributions to Free Software. The Federal Cross of Merit is both the most prestigious as well as the only general decoration awarded by the Federal Republic of Germany. It is awarded by the Federal President for outstanding achievements in the political, economic, cultural, and other fields. Matthias was awarded the medal in recognition of his work spurring innovation and spreading knowledge for the common good."

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