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Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 1475

More to the point, the simple way to amend the constitution is if the ballot measure is essentially a new issue. This requires 50% of the vote.

As the supreme court in CA tossed out the previous law banning same sex marriage as unconstitutional under the civil rights portions this 'new' issue is rightfully being challenged as an attempt to circumvent the procedure.

Prop 8 should have required 2/3.

Comment Cap is forward looking (Score 1) 656

If you ask me, 250GB today is pretty much fine even though I hate Comcast and am tempted to disagree just to disagree.

I think the end game is to establish a cap now that will be used to leverage 'upgrades' in the future as bandwidth gets eaten up faster and faster. Think about the acceleration of usage, and their need to squeeze more dollars out of the same tubes.

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