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Comment Re:RTFA (Score 4, Informative) 804

Then the friend should be punished according to the state's policy. Oh, wait, there's no punishment mandated for students violating the policy (it's enforced against the schools by the Dept. Of Agriculture). Sounds like another case of the local school administrator thinking with something other than his or her brain.

Comment Re:reduce key count (Score 1) 763

How is that creepy? If a couple's been together for any length of time, they'll run into situations where it's much more convenient to not have to wait for their partner to unlock or lock the door for them. Before we moved in together, my girlfriend lived over an hour away. If she came to visit and I wasn't home from work, her having a key made things much simpler.

Comment Re:More like a flaw in statistics (Score 2, Informative) 437

It's not clear from TFA whether it was a change in the software, or in parameters to the software that were changed. What is clear is that in the case used to highlight the problem, dispatchers were bound by policy not to override the software's recommendation, even if they knew it was wrong:

While some services spotted the risk, ordering operatives to override the computer’s orders manually, five of England’s 12 ambulance trusts did not allow call handlers to upgrade such calls. They include the East of England ambulance service, which covers Suffolk and which only identified the risk after Mrs Mason’s death.

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