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Comment Re: Now more competition, not less. (Score 2) 63

I disagree with your contention that Sprint wasnâ(TM)t a competitor of Verizon, but letâ(TM)s roll with that for this example. I would contend that Sprint was a competitor for T-Mobile. Now that completion is gone, T-Mobile can raise their prices, and AT&T and Verizon will soon follow suit.

Comment Re:It is no lie though, that it highjacks your DNS (Score 4, Informative) 70

Google's solution checks if your CURRENT DNS provider provides the encryption service. If it does, it upgrades you the encrypted version of your CURRENT DNS providers'. If your DNS provider doesn't provide encryption, Google does nothing. How is this hijacking your DNS?

Comment Re: I support the guy (Score 1) 237

The US does not allow a public interest defense for espionage charges. So his lawyers would not be able to tell the jury that he did what he did because the American public should know that their government was involved in unconstitutional and illegal activities. The jury would be instructed only to rule on whether or not he leaked sensitive documents, and if they found he did, he would be found guilty of espionage. I donâ(TM)t think thatâ(TM)s a fair trial.

Comment Reciprocation (Score 1) 191

This will just result in other countries searching Americansâ(TM) electronics when they enter the country.

Are you anti-EU and called them cucks? Germany can deny you entry. Going on your honeymoon in Cancun and said that Mexico was sending rapists for an invasion? Sorry, your wife can stay, but youâ(TM)re on the first flight back to the US on your own dime. And the next time you apply for a visa, you need to check the box that youâ(TM)ve been deported from a country.

Seems like the US Border Patrol is punishing people for their speech. Land of the free indeed.

Comment Re:Companies are not throttling apps (Score 2) 38

How do you measure baseline performance? If there's a fast lane then there's a slow lane, logic dictates that.

What ISPs have been doing since the FCC killed net neutrality is slowed their investments in their networks while demand for faster speeds rises. At the same time, they've been putting in arbitrary usage caps. You're saying that they prioritize certain traffic, so that traffic gets put in the fast lane, which reduces bandwidth in the slow lane, while they don't upgrade their networks. At the end of the day, the "baseline" then is actually shrinking instead of growing.

Combine that with zero rating for apps/services/websites that have paid your ISP. Any companies that can't pay your ISP are then at a significant disadvantage to the incumbents.

This is no free market. It's a natural monopoly.

Comment Re:if you fuck with my internet connection its fra (Score 1) 38

Easy, just put in the terms of service and the fine line on commercials that access to certain computers on the internet is limited to ensure the quality of their network. Done. No false advertising as long as they disclose it.

Legal now because of the death of net neutrality. (Thanks Trump!)

Comment Re:What's the SQL look like? (Score 2) 89

Source? You can't be found guilty of a crime unless the state has some sort of evidence you committed that crime, even if you plead guilty. Sometimes a guilty plea is not enough to be convicted.

If you were arrested for something that wasn't drugs, and you didn't have drugs in your possession, you can't plead down to a drug crime.

Second of all, who in their right mind would plead down to a drug crime? They carry additional penalties versus other crimes that follows you for the rest of your life. Ineligible for financial aid to better yourself after getting out of prison. Nobody is going to hire someone with a drug conviction, they would much rather hire someone convicted of a violent crime like assault!

I'm calling bullshit and think you're trying to demonize jailed victims of the war on drugs.

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