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Comment What you don't understand seems like magic (Score 4, Interesting) 242

Stories of the "heroism" of the workers at the plant have confounded Americans, it seems.
While I am sure there is plenty of actual heroism going on, I start to think part of it is just a matter of being level-headed about it.

It reminds me of the idea that to the uneducated, science seems like magic. Similarly, it seems that belief in science to the uneducated seems heroic.
These citizens should be applauded, not for their heroism - for in reality they are risking nothing - but for their willingness to conclude that they are risking nothing, and therefore can save others and improve their world with knowledge and intelligence instead of give in to fear and commercially driven FUD at the detriment of society.

News Flash from Japan: Brave, Brave souls make smart decisions based on facts instead of media FUD! Pictures (You Gotta see these pictures!) at 11!


In Censorship Move, Iran Plans Its Own Internet 206

An anonymous reader writes "Iran is taking steps toward an aggressive new form of censorship: a so-called national Internet that could, in effect, disconnect Iranian cyberspace from the rest of the world (summary of paywalled WSJ report). The leadership in Iran sees the project as a way to end the fight for control of the Internet, according to observers of Iranian policy inside and outside the country. Iran, already among the most sophisticated nations in online censoring, also promotes its national Internet as a cost-saving measure for consumers and as a way to uphold Islamic moral codes." The article also mentions unconfirmed local press reports suggesting that Iran is building its own national operating system.

Comment Re:sad isn't it ? (Score 1) 916

    The majority of citizens have taken the word of their respective cults as reality, and fail to recognize anything factual. Factual evidence is passed off as garbage, and ancient fairy tales are the truth. Worse, they don't even cite their own fairy tales properly, and continue to spew more recent urban legends that have been adopted by the cult majority as fact.

I learned one thing in my divorce - it's pointless to have a debate with someone who chooses their own reality. Your point is at the heart of the matter, and is valid in so many areas these days, including political, religious, cultural...
I refuse to respect anyone who cannot say "I may be wrong." Or someone who chooses facts based on what they want to believe, regardless of how silly these facts are (I'm looking at you, birthers.) Or someone who cannot back up their assumptions with reason. Or cannot even recognize that their starting points are assumptions in the first place.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 832

I would not use the actions and decisions brought on by the actions and negotiations of lawyers as logical proof of anything in the "real world." The fund means only that our legal system makes it a logical thing to do within the legal system.

But your point of risk taking is spot on. The choice is there, and either decision has risks. If you don't want to take any risk of dying tomorrow, your only choice if to kill yourself today.

Comment Re:It appears the shooter is a FAR LEFT NUT ... (Score 1) 2166

I don't get that impression at all.
Granted, whoever posted the thoughts at
is more nut than political...
But all that mistrust of government, the ideas that the government is trying to use grammar rules as a method of mind control, the thoughts of a new currency manipulated from on high...
Rings more far right than far left to me... Far left generally means someone who wants greater government control, far right generally means government should be small enough to drown in a bathtub.

Some seem to be focusing on some of the tombs he lists as books he's read...
Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto do make for good spin points, but they represent more of a totalitarian point of view than a left wing point of view. America's far right resembles totalitarianism much more than the far left does.

Frankly, neither you nor I should try to make a political argument about this until we have more facts... That youtube channel was a barely coherent rambling of thoughts, simultaneously lamenting people's poor grammar and complaining that the government is trying to control people's minds through grammar... all while making grammatical mistakes.

Comment their claims are unprovable != prove they're wong (Score 1) 1115

Can anyone give me one provable example of a cat that would have lived but died because schrodinger opened the box?
If the industry is to be believed, new artists never got the chance because their seed money never made it through the studio into their hands. How can you prove these artists would have succeeded? The box was opened, and we went down a different path.
I believe don't believe for a second that the industry claims are true. But you cannot prove they are not because they cannot provide provable details of an alternate universe.

Comment no problem for google apps users (Score 1) 178

Buzz is no problem for me, unless I decide I WANT to add yet another email to my list to use it.
ETA on implementing it for Google Apps users is months away, and there may be questions on whether it is even implemented at all for those on the free plan.
I consider this odd. Google Apps users tend to either be schools/small biz, or geeks.
Sure, Schools and Small Biz may not provide Google with much traction for Buzz, but geeks are more likely to, especially geeks who obviously like Google Stuff (tm).
And yet, those are more likely to be the ones hitching a free ride.
Things that make you go hmmmm....

Comment How Many Real? (Score 1) 406

Trying to check on the configuration of one of my switches using its built in html interface, I entered
Switch somehow had gone back to its default IP address, so it didn't respond.
Moments later, I was given a very helpful list of search queries for by Bing.
Thank you Bing!!! Thank you for reminding me why I prefer Firefox over IE.

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