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Comment Multi-Lib Linux. (Score 1) 313

I personally favor a multi-lib Linux environment (Slackware multi-lib, currently) for my desktop. It's not that hard to set up and once you do, you get all the 32 and 64-bit libraries running seamlessly together without any conflicts. This way,you can utilize more then 3.5 (4.0) GB RAM without sacrificing your apps that haven't made the transition to 32-bit yet (looking at you, Citrix).

Comment Razor products (Score 2) 249

Razor products are just shitty. I've purchased only one item from them, a copperhead mouse, but that'll be all I ever buy. I returned that thing three times for three different problems. All of them were known issues that they just chalked up to being part of the process of owning a Razor product. Logitech gets my money now. It's a mouse that only does mouse stuff and does it well.

Comment Why? If they're so worried... (Score 1) 533

If they're so worried that their lives would be disproportionately scarred (obtaining or keeping a job, treatment of members of their families within the community).. then why not just LEGALIZE prostitution already? That way you won't have to hurt anybody's social ego, and it couldn't be used as an extortion tool as efficiently. This prompts me to believe that some familiar names are on this list...

The logic in this boggles the mind otherwise.
The Military

US Navy Cruiser and Submarine Collide 236

An anonymous reader writes "Despite billions of dollars in advanced electronics, radar, and sonar it seems the Navy needs to install backup cameras on their boats. 'The Pentagon said late Saturday that it is investigating why a Navy submarine collided with an Aegis cruiser during routine operations at an undisclosed location.' According to ABC, 'the two ships were participating in a “group sail” along with another vessel. The three ships were participating in an anti-submarine exercise in preparation for an upcoming deployment as part of the strike group for the aircraft carrier USS Harry S Truman."

Comment Open Source and the "Cloud Creep" (Score 1) 460

Looking at distros like Ubuntu, and the general way general computing is becoming increasingly more focused on walled gardens and subscription-based services, it seems that there's a definite push towards cloud-based distribution and handing of data even within open source projects. In your opinion, what steps should the open source community, Linux and other open operating systems in particular, be taking to stay relevant in the face of all this drastic change?

Did Sweden Pay Cambodia For the Pirate Bay Co-founder? 250

An anonymous reader writes "At the start of this month, news broke that The Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm had been arrested in Cambodia. A bunch of updates followed, including that Svartholm would be deported to Sweden, and that the two countries of course collaborated on his capture. The latest tidbit, as of today, is the craziest one yet: Sweden essentially paid Cambodia tens of millions of dollars. The Government of Sweden has agreed to give 400 million Swedish Kronor ($59.4 million) to Cambodia for various reasons, including democratic development, human rights, education, environment protection, climate change, sustainable development, and poverty reduction. You name it (just don't say international arrests)."

Comment Living in the area (Score 2) 167

It's not that bad. the disease is mostly affecting people with weakened immune systems, the really young and the really old. This is not too different than the flu in that regard, except it's much more difficult to control the spread of it and it has some really nasty side effects if it goes untreated.

That said, I think treating it like a dire emergency is not the right way to go. I really don't want me or my children breathing in any chemicals unnecessarily. If any of us get sick from the virus, we'll go to our doctors that we trust or a emergency room. With all the pollution we already have on top of allergens, I really don't want to know what adding those chemicals to the mix will do, but there's a chance that it may be even less treatable than the disease.

Comment Re:Predictably... (Score 1) 538

If it was the same fixed amount of time, then essentially nothing would change. It's still a race, albeit a race in which all competitors legs are weighted. If the weights were randomly interspersed with air sacs instead of lead, then that would make the race no longer to anyone's benefit to even run.

Comment This is a troll attempt. (Score 1) 388

Disclaimer: I am biased and no longer trust Kaspersky.

They should know that computers are merely tools and that they are a tool that is poorly suited to free and democratic voting. This is a simple conclusion to come to, and something that I'd expect a well-bred security company to understand. You don't utilize a hammer to drill holes. I'm sure you could compromise in some situations, but it won't be a pleasant experience.

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