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Comment Re:Lawyers at work... (Score 3, Insightful) 220

Why? Oracle is not required under any laws to provide development time to help make Linux or any OS more friendly towards people with disabilities. Sun was doing this out of their own great good heart.

It is in their best interest to make Solaris/OpenSolaris more friendly towards people with disabilities in an attempt to capture more market share that otherwise would go to Apple Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows where such products already exist.

Comment Re:Should be a selling feature... (Score 1) 265

Youtube already had their entire collection encoded in h.264 as that is what Flash supports, and what was required for Youtube support on the iPhone and other mobile devices. Now for Google to have to re-encode their entire YouTube collection into yet another format to support yet another codec is wrong.

Comment Great time to stop playing WoW (Score 1, Insightful) 318

Maybe now is the time to stop playing WoW and instead do something with your life. I've lost too many friends to the game known as World of Warcraft with too many of them turning down social interactions to instead go raiding with their groups. I had a room mate in college that played so much WoW that he ended up dropping out of school just so that he could continue to play WoW. His dad came to pick him up from our apartment at the time and he looked extremely disappointed. I will never forget the look on that mans face when he realised his son had become so addicted to a computer game that he was unable to complete any of his classes that semester.

I've never understood the draw and allure that WoW provides, and why people get addicted to the point that they drop out of schools. Maybe I am one of the few people that is lucky and doesn't require simulation from an online fake environment to further foster my own mind.

Comment Re:A Rep? (Score 2, Insightful) 334

Why should the US be able to decide what is good for Europe and its consumers? Sun and Oracle have the choice of no longer doing business in Europe at which point the EC won't have anything to do with their merger!

US regulations suck for consumers, whereas the EC attempts to work for the consumer. That is the reason for the difference, and whether you like it or not that is how it will continue to be done as multi-nationals can't just stop selling in the EU or the US just because one of them is more favourable towards two of them merging.

Comment Re:Any systems depend on a pulse (Score 1) 465

So? The reason why you have the device generate the clock signal and clock it in, or out (in latched chips (simple example, see MAX6969), or even various other serial protocols) is that the clock does not have to be stable like it has to be with RS232 or TTL communication. As long as both agree that something gets clocked in on the falling or rising edge you can have perfectly good serial communication that slows down and speeds back up with no down sides.

Comment Re:Who cares about HAM radio (Score 2, Interesting) 343

I am sorry to hear that in your city they were not as interested in learning about the technologies in so much as buying it.

I am 21, so I am much younger than you, I got into HAM radio because of a project ( I did at school, having a license helped communicate between the teams while on the ground looking for the device, and helped us keep track of the APRS as it was being sent from the balloon.

HAM radio has been really interesting, I have met really great people at various different companies, and recently a hacker space ( has been starting up in Phoenix and there were quite a few HAM radio people there! You just need to find the group that is still willing to learn and find new innovative projects to work on.

Comment Re:It isn't just a hobby (Score 2, Interesting) 343

For $15 to take the test, and then $200 or so for a decent radio you can have a hobby that is a blast. I regularly talk to people on radio nets (basically where a group of people get together at a desired time, and all talk about random subjects).

I am 21, and I am considered one of the young ones, even so it is interesting to see how much HAM radio in general is used in various situations to get information from one location to another quickly. HAM radio groups also tend to be available at all kinds of different events to help manage the crowd, do reporting of incidents. Just recently there was a biking event and we were present along the course to give status updates, get emergency help all by using our radio's.

Generally the HAM radio guys are older, and they can talk for hours on end, and some of it is boring, but I have met many people that have skill sets that I only wish I could have, I have talked to people in the industry (Moto, Intel, Microchip, and others) and it has been awesome to get contacts or leads for new projects and ideas as well as possible jobs coming out of college.


Submission + - Anti-Sec to release OpenSSH exploit

0x000000 writes: In a fine display of hypocrisy Anti-Sec has said they will be releasing the source code to their OpenSSH exploit (versions
"In 48 hours, the anti-sec movement will publicly unveil working exploit code and full details for the zero-day OpenSSH vulnerability we discovered. It will be posted to the Full-Disclosure security list."

Going on to say that 10 hours later they will release worm source code:

"Within 10 hours of the initial release of the OpenSSH 0-day exploit code, anti-sec will be unleashing powerful computer worm source code with the ability to auotmatically find and compromise systems running any and all versions of OpenSSH."

For more information and the replies from full disclosure list members, see the Full Disclosure thread.

Comment Re:US School System compared to Europes School Sys (Score 1) 677

I was just pointing out the differences between the two educational systems, and while I agree that a chef does not need more than the US math, the fact that it was required was something I wanted point out as interesting.

I was just comparing and contrasting the two and providing examples as to how the two differ, not using it as an excuse. Most if not all of the math I know and use I have taught myself, mainly because I have difficulty understanding math like most other students and I had to learn it my own way for it to stick.

Comment Re:US School System compared to Europes School Sys (Score 1) 677

I actually went to two different high schools. I switched the summer before my Junior year in school. This was because the high school I had been attending was having major issues with minorities fighting (the african americans and hispanics were bringing weapons to school), we had several knife stabbings at the school, and it caused many issues in general because of the way the school was run and where it was going. My dad figured it was easier to move, both closer to work, and into a new town than to have to worry about his kids going to a high school where fights were the daily norm and where no attention was being given to the rampant issues with drug use, alcohol abuse and fighting.

The second high school I went to was a higher class, more expensive town, and while the education there was generally better in terms of people wanting to be there it was not that much better. There were different levels of classes offered, but in those classes they were still catered to the lowest common denominator. This was a mostly chinese and white school compared to my previous school. The issue at hand was that the school and the school board were more willing to put money into sports and the sports programs and buying new football fields and tracks rather than improving the class rooms, providing new books, new computers and new equipment.

The first school was 1500 students in size, the second one was 1200 students in size, small? Not really. Not as large as some of the bigger US public high schools.

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