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Submission + - HP beats Moore's Law

John H. Doe writes: "From the article: "A number type of nano-scale architecture developed in the research labs of Hewlett-Packard could beat Moore's Law and advance the progress of of microprocessor development three generations in one hit. The new architecture uses a design technique that will enable chip makers to pack eight times as many transistors as is currently possible on a standard 45nm field programmable gate array (FPGA) chip.""
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - Procedural Hot Coffee Mod

a.d.venturer writes: "Amidst the news that Brian Eno is producing procedural music for Spore, I find myself a little worried. When are we going to get our first procedural hot coffee mod? All it will take is a generated nipple or chorused voices repeating one of six banned words, and one offended parent, teenager (or younger) to record it. How is the ESRB supposed to review content that hasn't been generated yet, and potentially may never be?"

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