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Comment Re:We Are All Under Suspicion Now (Score 1) 232

The presumption of guilt is valid, with an unnumbered quantity of federal laws on the books it is commonly posed that every person over 18 years of age in the US is guilty of some federal crime. As has been the case in many totalitarian nations, someone just needs to point someone out and let the federal police figure out what they can be charged with.

Comment Re:Do you have any hands-on experience ? (Score 1) 667

You don't really expect people who are flying internationally on holiday to accept delays due to some poor people fighting over something. There are the people who get involved in such things, then there are those who fly over them and are supposed to be untouched.
Perhaps if conflicts and wars interrupted flight schedules and inconvenienced more people there would be less of them.

Comment Re: The Moral? (Score 1) 93

We have SEH and some others growing silicon in the US, though the profits go to the parent company.
US manufacturing seems to interest Asian companies more than any US ones, they exited the US in the 80s/90s and invested heavily overseas. Even Foxconn of suicidal worker fame has been talking about opening US facilities.

Comment Re:So they don't have to ask the NSA (Score 1) 206

It sounds like a government imposition of a policy many companies have resorted to with increased privacy laws and liabilities to companies for protecting data. It was known pre-Snowden that anything stored on cloud servers which included one in the US was subject to warrantless perusal by US authorities, so some providers made an avoidance of US mirrors a marketing point.

Comment Re:As a means to hide the crappy streaming selecti (Score 1) 59

Their licensing is off and on all the time, a movie you can stream today might seem to vanish from existence next week without a word and reappear sometime in the future when it's relicensed. Their search system used to take you to those pages to see that the movie is not available, then they stopped doing that so now the only time you see a movie page that isn't currently available is when doing ratings. If you don't see it, you won't miss it seems to be their angle.

It mostly means they're a really bad place for information about movies or what actors have done.

Comment Re:Caps Are Definitely Coming (Score 2) 475

Comcast has a lot of options for its customers. StreamPix is a wannabe competitor against Netflix, and is conveniently integrated in their X1 service so doesn't count against any cap they decide to impose.
Just drop Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and whatever else you have and go with theirs, then you can use your internet cap for other things. It makes a lot of sense, to Comcast Marketing.

Comment Re:enforce existing laws? (Score 1) 490

They aren't required to be licensed, they don't have plates to identify the bicycle that blew through the light and cut off the 18-wheeler, so unless there's a cop right there, nothing happens. A ticket given to a person without a driver's license doesn't really matter either, no insurance rates to worry about and only tracked if the person's checked for warrants later.

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